Recruiting Football Talk VII

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I'm not an avid poster, but I'm an avid follower. My rescue dog who I've had for 8 years passed and it was not a peaceful ordeal. I know everyone loves their dogs, but this dog was the heart and soul of our family. I'm devastated. Prayers and well wishes are welcome. Thanks guys. Go Vols.
💔🙏 I’m so sorry! It’s been a year and a half since we lost our heart and soul. Her name was the first word spoken by our first two grandchildren. I have taken the last two grands who are 5 on a hike in the woods in the last month. They both said they wished she could go with us. Thought they might not remember her. Prayers for your family!
That Drinkwitz was yelling at the Tennessee bench is true. Mizzou announcer on the network was actually bragging on air about Drinkwitz being that low class.
Zero chance Zakai said those words. It's RGW...
Right. I was telling you the true backstory to the RGW-embellished tweet. Hart bragged on air that Drinkwitz was yelling at the Tennessee bench. He enthused about Drinky's asinine behavior in glowing terms. 😂 I didn't say RGW's post was correct. Embellishment for comic effect is one of RGW's primary modes. (Sorry, I didn't see this yesterday to answer you.)
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Still up awaiting the discharge of our dog, Q. Wife and he got attacked during their walk while I was at work and he got three nasty lacerations. Going to be a fun conversation with the other dog’s owners tomorrow. Misspelled NEGOTIATION! 😡
Hope your dog heals well and quickly, and your "conversation" goes well. He doesn't want to mess with a guy with your avi over a dog.
Happy Friday

February 23, 2024: Refuse to worry about things where you have no control. Accept your current environment, but consider carefully what changes you can or must make. This is a time of coming into divine order in preparation for the days ahead. Make your plans, but hold them loosely because you only see in part. 1Corinthians 13:12-13 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. And now abide, faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
He's an announcer. He needs to speak during games and be quiet between them. Who does he think he is?

I mean in his defense “35 years” he looks at his job as his own child he’s seen grow from the very lowest of lows to the highest of highs…we would be the same way if a coach with zero ties here came in and done away with the vol walk,Opening of the “T and rocky top being played through out the game..when it comes to messing with tradition it’s unsettling to most people who don’t like fixing things if they aren’t broken..just my take 🤷🏽‍♂️ I can understand.
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