So after many days of research and analysis, I have finally discovered that reason for our inexplicable loss to the gators.
Remember the LSU game last year? Early start. We rolled the bayou bengals.
This year the swamp is a night game. VN had all day to make fun of the teams that were having bad days. Win or lose, many teams that we dislike were not playing their best football and we were there for it. (Go back to early Saturday posts if you don’t recall). All day, making fun of all those teams.
Now our game rolls around and all of the bad things are happening to our team.
Karma is a bitch and served us multiple helpings that Karma then crammed down our throats.
I am not saying that we shouldn’t make fun of other teams bad performance, but it’s of tantamount importance that Tennessee only play early games against our opponents on the road. Karma doesn’t care after our game.
@LA Vol , use all your influence to help fix this situation.

depends on those early road games.