Recruiting Football Talk VII

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If you see him at a fraternity event, please do us real Vol fans a solid and give him a piece of our mind and tell him he’s a piece of **** and an embarrassment to UT alums. Thank you in advance.
I have never seen him at a fraternity event and don’t suspect he ever would attend. Heck, I’d be tickled just to hear of a donation from him, but I wouldn’t put my money on that either. I’ll eat my words and issue him a public apology if he does.
Obviously it won’t happen right now but I’d love to see Candace Parker leading the Lady Vol program one day. Put a good staff around her and we’d be winning titles again in no time. Recruits would absolutely want to play for her.
Stop it. This is the thought process that got us holly and Kellie.

I’d hire her as an assistant if she cut her teeth somewhere else.
I also feel like they’re already botching the search. It’s been several hours since the news broke, and they haven’t even identified their Gruden or whether their Gruden owns land in East Tennessee. Not a single plane has been tracked. No rumors about which schools they’re going to send their kids to.

Subpar effort, frankly. We may have to pick up their slack.
Be patient. We’re still in the “back up the brink truck” phase.
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