Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Invol was correct indeed. But I’m not giving him credit for saying the men’s team was trending down before the tournament. So, he’s batting .500. He’d make the HOF in baseball.
Did anyone in here want Kellie Harper to be our coach?
I just saw the “Barnes looked over me” shtick from Lurch… what an immature comment. We had our eye on you, just decided not to pursue. Who would have thought you would get to camp out in the paint, throw elbows, and travel at will. I’m sure Barnes would have pushed hard had we known that. Way to make your teams’ F4 about something else. Will be rooting even harder for your team’s demise.
Edey is a problem that nobody wants to solve. The path of least resistance is to just let it go and next year he'll be gone.

The inconvenient truth is that ignoring it isn't without consequence: it hurts teams not named Purdue. Giving an advantage to one player puts others at a disadvantage. Thinking the problem will solve itself next year isn't a pass for overlooking it this year.
What's to stop them from just picking another player to give that same treatment to? I mean, I'd love for them to allow Awaka to go nuts with no foul calls. But we all know that won't happen. What will happen is some player on some team will get the same treatment.
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I just saw the “Barnes looked over me” shtick from Lurch… what an immature comment. We had our eye on you, just decided not to pursue. Who would have thought you would get to camp out in the paint, throw elbows, and travel at will. I’m sure Barnes would have pushed hard had we known that. Way to make your teams’ F4 about something else. Will be rooting even harder for your team’s demise.
Who would you rather win if they make it to the finals w bama?
CRB might reframe his thinking a bit, but as his career winds down, his style is what it is. Players who like it come to UT and are happy; players who don't like it, don't respond well and leave with minimal attempt to keep them. Players who are all about the money aren't who CRB targets. If we could get more Dalton Knechts, we 100% would. But he was a special kind of player, and NIL wasn't the most important thing to him. Now will UT use NIL to keep some players? Selectively, yes. But UT will be equally willing to let guys go.
Interesting you say, "as his career winds down". Rick Barnes will be 70 in July. What would you put the odds of Barnes retiring after next season at? I think he coaches next season. It'll be ZZ's last season, and I think CRB is fond of ZZ. He calls him the DNA of the program. But after next season, I could see CRB hanging it up. I don't "know" anything, just speculating. What do you think?
@MoCo_Vol @LAVol1 im behind on the KH firing..was this in the works for a while? Because we were all under the impression it wasn’t going to happen this year…I know her record isn’t the best but what was the reasoning for the sudden change👀
Problems with recruiting, struggles to find identity. The future doesn't look bright on the current course....... And it's obvious the Lady Vol brand doesn't recruit itself anymore.
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