Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Hey, I realize this is going to sound crazy. But how about instead of just popping in and posting random sh-t without any context, you read the thread and find out what they said. ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ 😂

My “random s**t with no context is what keeps this forum from dying off until football season so you’re welcome 🥹🫶🏽 plus I have you here to give me the cliff notes instead of backtracking 200 pages just to read one line but..I’m getting lectured🙄🖕🏽
My “random s**t with no context is what keeps this forum from dying off until football season so you’re welcome 🥹🫶🏽 plus I have you here to give me the cliff notes instead of backtracking 200 pages just to read one line but..I’m getting lectured🙄🖕🏽
She sucks and is going to keep getting worse but LV fans would rather lose and keep a former Lady Vol than win games because they are weirdos.
Or learn how to act. I am a newbie but I found it pretty easy to figure who knew what they were talking about when it comes to baseball. And I learned from them. There's actually a lot of knowledge on these boards, interspersed with the wisecracking, for someone who wants to pay attention.
You're talking about me, right? I'm glad someone has benefitted from my wisdom.

They are the reason we got Warlick and Harper. Hopefully White stands up to them and tells them to kick rocks.
They are the reason we got KJH. They are not the reason we got Holly. Holly was Pat's handpicked successor. Holly was Pat's right hand for like 27 years. It's sad Holly couldn't make it work, but she earned her shot.
I've yet to see numbers on their financial health. No idea what they averaged in attendance under Summit, but even with a full house, I can't imagine the women's tournament earning anything close to the men's tournament. If a winning women's program can make that much money, let them be self sufficient. No need to take money from football or the mens side at all, no? Stand on your own two feet.
Back in Pat's day, the program at least broke even. Maybe a little better some years, maybe a little under other years, but it was neither a financial drain nor a real moneymaker.
Well, InVOL was proven correct (again) like several others of us in here. Yet, five more years of program stagnation continued. That was after 7 years of stagnation with HW. So a dozen years went by since Pat. Was it worth it to placate some LV donors to lose a generation of kids who have no idea what it meant to be a LV?

Sure is good to have an elite AD who has the full support at the top to do things right.

Welcome back to relevance LV fans.
If @InVOLuntary was right about Pretty Holly, does that mean he's right about Banks?
Now we’ve got posters in the LV saying it’ll be Danny White’s fault when the LV’s don’t make the ncaa tournament next season. Bless them

We all love the Lady Vols, but there are a lot of cult like people closely associated with the Lady Vols (seems that way at least) and they won’t accept anything other than a family hire. Well, we’ve had two and they both failed. Just my observation over the years.
Well, I don't think he's married. Plus I'm pretty sure he's straight and straight women find him attractive or so I hear. He's extremely successful and has taken a program from the doldrums to being elite consistently in a very short period of time I might add. On top of that the vast majority of the Vol fan base is absolutely thrilled with UT baseball and it's pushed the LV basketball even further into the background to the point that it's simply no longer relevant to the majority of the fan base. It's a small clique of fans who are uber vocal and live for it, but it's simply not mainstream. Personally, I don't find it the least bit entertaining. It's nothing more than a financial drain and waste of valuable resources IMO. So I guess in closing, all those things collide to make him the target of "LadyVol nation".
Omg - one poster - ONE - in the LadyVols forum doesn‘t like him. ONE
Honestly I don’t know why they don’t give Molly miller a shot
She had the 4 highest active winning percentage going into this year
Her teams play crazy tough defense
She killed it at drury which is d2 before she got to GCU
Besides the fact she is smoking hot she is a helluva coach and she’s young so she could be here for awhile

Your not getting Staley
Kara can stay at duke for all I care
Don’t want mulkey
Walz would be a good get but has his shine wore off ? I think he would be a home run but he is a different animal

Molly should be a top choice
Honestly I don’t know why they don’t give Molly miller a shot
She had the 4 highest active winning percentage going into this year
Her teams play crazy tough defense
She killed it at drury which is d2 before she got to GCU
Besides the fact she is smoking hot she is a helluva coach and she’s young so she could be here for awhile

I mean…paint me orange and call me Pat summit but I’m on the Kara Lawson train still and I can’t get off of it man…idk what it is. I just feel like she would get it done here.
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April 2, 2024: This is a time when you can solve long-standing problems, but you must not dwell on the problem as much as you seek the solution. I will give you the wisdom you need to see what your next step needs to be. Do not be afraid to move beyond where you are. Put your trust in Me, says the Lord. Psalm 119:133 Direct my steps by Your word, and let no iniquity have dominion over me.
If @InVOLuntary was right about Pretty Holly, does that mean he's right about Banks?
Prolly. Although he has been saddled with one DB coach we know who rode Heup's coattails into Knoxville. Don't know if that would have made a difference or not had he been free to pick his own guy.

But this season is the Pretty Holly peak into the abyss for Banks IMO. He has been given top assistants in all the other spots and his personal expertise is also DB's. He has four recruiting classes plus portal guys. Not much left for excuses. Major progress or buh-bye.

InVOL is on the clock...
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