Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Holly and Kellie do not have the “star power” that Candace Parker has. Unless you grew up a Lady Vol fan you probably have no idea who Holly Warlick and Kellie Harper (Jolly) are. Candace was a superstar in college and has been a superstar in the WNBA. Young women who love basketball know very well who she is. If you don’t think top recruits wouldn’t flock here to play for her you’re crazy. I think if you put a good staff around her she’d do well. I’m not saying hire her tomorrow but I do think at some point down the road, if she decides to get into coaching, she could do great things here.
She doesn’t coach basketball. That’s just dumb.
Been out all day. I know I must have missed the excitement of a VN coaching search? Pretty Holly is gone. @InVOLuntary is celebrating somewhere. Who's tracking the plane? @Glitch , you're being assigned to airport duty. We need rumors!!
On my way with the "Courtesy Shuttle".
Any news on the end-of-year meeting with CRB and DW? Getting anxious…. when he does retire, I can see it being a very quiet exit. I think that will be the way he wants it. Has there already been an announcement on this?

My hope is we have him for another 3-5 years…..
Personally, I think the reason DW pulled the trigger with firing CKH this year is because indications are that Barnes will retire next year, and DW doesn’t want to replace both basketball coaches the same year. Nothing to base this off of, just my opinion
Personally, I think the reason DW pulled the trigger with firing CKH this year is because indications are that Barnes will retire next year, and DW doesn’t want to replace both basketball coaches the same year. Nothing to base this off of, just my opinion
Wait, we retarrin' Barnes again necks year?
I don’t think so, but only Rick could tell you for sure.
You could be right, and that I would agree with.
When it happens, I really don't think anyone will know. I don't see Barnes as one that would slack off, even with recruiting. I think for most it will just see like it came from nowhere.
April 2, 1931

(Cool Story)
Jackie Mitchell strikes out Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig

"As a girl in Memphis, Jackie Mitchell had been tutored in baseball by a neighbor and minor-league pitcher, Charles Arthur “Dazzy” Vance, who would go on to lead the National League in strikeouts for seven straight seasons. Mitchell’s family moved to Chattanooga, where she became a multisport athlete and joined a baseball school affiliated with the city’s Class AA minor-league team, the Lookouts, and attracted attention with her sinking curveball.

The Lookouts’ new president, Joe Engel, was a showman and promoter whose many stunts included trading a player for a turkey, which was cooked and served to sportswriters. In 1931, he booked the Yankees for two exhibition games against the Lookouts as the major leaguers traveled north from spring training. A week before their arrival, he announced the signing of Mitchell to what’s believed to be one of the first professional baseball contracts given to a woman.

The prospect of a 17-year-old girl facing the mighty Yankees generated considerable media coverage, most of it condescending. One paper wrote, “The curves won’t be all on the ball” when “pretty” Jackie Mitchell takes the mound. Another reported that she “has a swell change of pace and swings a mean lipstick.” The tall, slim teenager, clad in a baggy Lookouts uniform, also posed for cameras as she warmed up by taking out a mirror and powdering her nose."

The first exhibition game against the Yankees, before a crowd of 4,000 fans and journalists, began with the Lookouts’ starting pitcher surrendering hits to the first two batters. The Lookouts’ manager then pulled his starter and sent Mitchell to the mound to face the heart of a fearsome lineup that had become known in the 1920s as “Murderers’ Row.”

First up was Ruth, who tipped his hat at the girl on the mound “and assumed an easy batting stance,” a reporter wrote. Mitchell went into her motion, winding her left arm “as if she were turning a coffee grinder.” Then, with a side-armed delivery, she threw her trademark sinker (a pitch known then as “the drop”). Ruth let it pass for a ball. At Mitchell’s second offering, Ruth “swung and missed the ball by a foot.” He missed the next one, too, and asked the umpire to inspect the ball. Then, with the count 1-2, Ruth watched as Mitchell’s pitch caught the outside corner for a called strike three. Flinging his bat down in disgust, he retreated to the dugout.

Next to the plate was Gehrig, who would bat .341 in 1931 and tie Ruth for the league lead in homers. He swung at and missed three straight pitches. But Mitchell walked the next batter, Tony Lazzeri, and the Lookouts’ manager pulled her from the game, which the Yankees went on to win, 14-4.

Interesting you say, "as his career winds down". Rick Barnes will be 70 in July. What would you put the odds of Barnes retiring after next season at? I think he coaches next season. It'll be ZZ's last season, and I think CRB is fond of ZZ. He calls him the DNA of the program. But after next season, I could see CRB hanging it up. I don't "know" anything, just speculating. What do you think?
I think he'll take it year by year. Ten years is a good milestone for taking stock and evaluating where you want your life to go. I don't think anybody, including Rick, knows when he'll decide it's time, but I think UT fans should savor every year.
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