Recruiting Football Talk VII

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And they put us midday on Easter Sunday, probably would have been higher in prime time!
That outcome was determined by time slot. Which was known in advance. And the reason we had to play until 1 am early Saturday morning and then get moved to the early game the next day.

The scheduling determined the viewership, now the viewership will be used to justify the narrative. One more reason the NCAA sucks. It would have been a great moment otherwise, because the Vols would have been a bigger draw than the Dukesters. But they would have spun that to say the people turned in to see the refs protect Edey.

Just keep plugging.
If Seldon is really going to miss deep into September, we’d practically have to grab a portal rb right? I mean the only healthy scholarship rbs we have now are Seldon and Keith
So, this is a post from today from the Lady Vols forum, and please remember I pull for Tennesse in all sports, and naturally football is my main sport, but I legitimately always have tried to keep up with the other sports, including Lady Vols basketball.. Here is the post - "There were many, myself included, that were beginning to question the university’s commitment to the sport that put us on the map." I parse this out of it - the sport that put us on the map. This bolded statement gave me a flasback to my early 30's in the late 1990's, when on a visit to the Bitlmore House with my then wife, an older gentleman probably older than what I am now, I'm 57, so I would say this gentleman was probably in his 60's like maybe a little older than my Dad.. Anyway, he was wearing a Lady Vols T-Shirt, and I said "Yes sir, Go Vols and Go Lady Vols"! His response, Go Lady Vols only... I said nothing but thought that was interesting and I'm respectful in my interactions, but I remembered that comment with the firing of Coach Harper and comments like the bolded line from the The Lady Vols forum. In my opinion, it shows a lack of understanding of what The University of Tennessee sports foundation is based upon, it is not and will never be any other Sport except Tennessee Football, BUT, like a solidly buitl home, the rest of a well built home can be sustained year after year, due to that foundation. The foundation and "front proch" is and always will be Tennessee Football, but as I have said a few times in the past, if Tennessee has a collegiate level Chess Team, then I want our Chess Team to be #1. I don't mean any disrespect to Lady Vols fans, but too many of them are just Lady Vols fans only. I'm just one of those guys that watches as many of the Vols/Lady Vols sporting events that I can, personal schedule permitting and want all Universtiy of Tennessee athletic teams to excel daily. Sorry for the long post, I guess I got "triggered" by that post, as the young folks would say. Ha-ha... GBO..!
👆🏻👏🏻 If UT has a tiddly winks team I’m pulling for them but FOOTBALL is the horse pulling the wagon everyone else is riding on.
@MoCo_Vol @LAVol1 im behind on the KH firing..was this in the works for a while? Because we were all under the impression it wasn’t going to happen this year…I know her record isn’t the best but what was the reasoning for the sudden change👀
The view from the top was that KH was not going to be able to lead the Lady Vols to the elite level, as demonstrated with the talent she had and the success of the program under her. And if the program did not improve to an elite level, the legacy of the Lady Vols being the basketball program that set the standard for women's basketball would be forgotten or at the very least marginalized. In the wise words of Wes Rucker, "that which must be done eventually should be done immediately".
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