Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Mets spent more than anybody the last few seasonsā€¦whereā€™s THEIR run? How many consecutive WS trips for the Yankees are we up to? Now do the Dodgers. NOBODY is doing a ā€œrun of greatnessā€. Gameā€™s too humbling.
Still missed the point..the point is that successful small-mid market teams are torn apart.

If you want to say big spenders don't do anything..then ok..but that still doesn't change the fact that small-mid market teams are torn apart...some quicker than others.

You win...leave it.
Yes. I lived in Tampa for a long time. The Tampa Rays have done a great job of handling their small budget. But still, it was not fun watching players play really well and then leave for a higher salary at the big markets. Just not as fun to have big turnover year after year (David Price).
EXACTLY...I tried in the mid aughts and 2010s to get into the Ray's and went to a lot of games when I lived there...but that šŸ’© right there put a freaking hammer stop on it and I said screw it I ain't getting involved anymore.
Both things can be true. You are correct about the crazy spending without a plan not regularly leading to dynasty type runs. Imo mostly because of the size of those ownerā€™s eyos lol. It is also true that well run small market/lower revenue teams have a hard time holding onto the talent they shrewdly acquire with a good organizational plan. So the current system doesnā€™t guarantee the big markets success, but it guarantees that small market teams thaare at a huge disadvantage trying to hold into their players.
Thank you for understanding and articulating what my biggest issue is.
When Sirius would appear in the sky just before the sun, near the end of July, that marked the beginning of the very hottest days of the year. The Romans referred to this period as "dies caniculares" or "days of the dog star," which was eventually translated as just "dog days."

Summer Solstice is June 20.

Still missed the point..the point is that successful small-mid market teams are torn apart.

If you want to say big spenders don't do anything..then ok..but that still doesn't change the fact that small-mid market teams are torn apart...some quicker than others.

You win...leave it.
The fact that ā€œSUCCESSFUL small mid-market teamsā€ exists in your post obliterates your ā€œpointā€. Teams that scout, develop and manage correctly compete perfectly well. Itā€™s when they go all-in on one or two players and start dumping the farm when they go backwards. Weā€™re seeing Pittsburgh start to get it and Tampa Bay is another winning model. The Dodgers have always been able to purchase whatever was willing to be bought, but when the Parking Lot Dude owned the team and the process was badā€¦so were the results. Do it right and you can win.
Go look at when they were good. It's not the fans fault their cheap ass owner stripped the roster so he could move to Vegas.
Completely agree. I generally hate owners moving teams. Still a sin that Seattle doesn't have an NBA team (because the city wouldn't fork over a bunch of public money). So if you're rooting for a team in your city, what are you really rooting for if that team can be ripped away in the middle of the night (Browns)?
To be fair, we are one of the richer teams.

There are only like 3-4 program that can throw more money around than we do without blowing their whole load.
I hope so..I like the approach we are taking...but it does get really frustrating for obvious reasons.

That is the biggest reason I am trying my best to just go with the flow on recruiting nowadays...but it is frustrating when things seem to be going our way and then..

I wish there were a lot more kids in all sports like Chaz Lanier.
The fact that ā€œSUCCESSFUL small mid-market teamsā€ exists in your post obliterates your ā€œpointā€. Teams that scout, develop and manage correctly compete perfectly well. Itā€™s when they go all-in on one or two players and start dumping the farm when they go backwards. Weā€™re seeing Pittsburgh start to get it and Tampa Bay is another winning model. The Dodgers have always been able to purchase whatever was willing to be bought, but when the Parking Lot Dude owned the team and the process was badā€¦so were the results. Do it right and you can win.
How many WS have Pittsburgh and Tampa won??

Pittsburgh has won their division ZERO times in the last 30 years. They have finished last in their division 12 times in the past 30 years. Next to last 7 times. If Iā€™m not mistaken they are currently in last place.

Tampa has faired better having been to the playoffs 5 years in a row before now. They are currently in last place. You donā€™t think if they had more money to spend, as well as they are run as an organization that maybe they couldā€™ve gotten over the hump one of those 5 years?

To be clear, your assertion is that baseballā€™s system doesnā€™t put the small market teams at a disadvantage compared to the high revenue teams, right?
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Pittsburgh has won their division ZERO times in the last 30 years. They have finished last in their division 12 times in the past 30 years. Next to last 7 times. If Iā€™m not mistaken they are currently in last place.

Tampa has faired better having been to the playoffs 5 years in a row before now. They are currently in last place. You donā€™t think if they had more money to spend, as well as they are run as an organization that maybe they couldā€™ve gotten over the hump one of those 5 years?

To be clear, your assertion is that baseballs system doesnā€™t put the small market teams at a disadvantage compared to the high revenue teams, right?
Itā€™s not a SYSTEMā€¦itā€™s free market. And the Cubs have ONE WORLD SERIES title since their back to back in 1907-1908ā€¦thatā€™s a franchise that has historically printed money but also historically mismanaged its assets. Theo Epstein did it for both Boston and Chicago. Put him in charge of Tampa Bay or Pittsburgh and heā€™s got more than enough opportunity to duplicate the feat. Baseball is an equalizer. Giving a player $100 mil doesnā€™t make them get you that one hit that turns a series around and the manager doesnā€™t need a HOF lock to win a pennant. Braves lost AcuƱa and made a series of July deadline trades for spare parts that ignited their WS run. Those spare parts cashed in with OTHER franchises after the season and didnā€™t net any more rings up to this point. Baseball is not as complicated as fans make it out to be.
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Itā€™s not a SYSTEMā€¦itā€™s free market. And the Cubs have ONE WORLD SERIES title since their back to back in 1907-1908ā€¦thatā€™s a franchise that has historically printed money but also historically mismanaged its assets. Theo Epstein did it for both Boston and Chicago. Put him in charge of Tampa Bay or Pittsburgh and heā€™s got more than enough opportunity to duplicate the feat. Baseball is an equalizer. Giving a player $100 mil doesnā€™t make them get you that one hit that turns a series around and the manager doesnā€™t need a HOF lock to win a pennant. Braves lost AcuƱa and made a series of July deadline trades for spare parts that ignited their WS run. Those spare parts cashed in with OTHER franchises after the season and didnā€™t net any more rings up to this point. Baseball is not as complicated as fans make it out to be.
Again, I ask for a simple clarification. You donā€™t think low revenue teams are at any disadvantage vs high revenue teams In baseballā€™s CBA?
Itā€™s not a SYSTEMā€¦itā€™s free market. And the Cubs have ONE WORLD SERIES title since theyā€™re back to back in 1907-1908ā€¦thatā€™s a franchise that has historically printed money but also historically mismanaged its assets. Theo Epstein did it for both Boston and Chicago. Put him in charge of Tampa Bay or Pittsburgh and heā€™s got more than enough opportunity to duplicate the feat. Baseball is an equalizer. Giving a player $100 mil doesnā€™t make them get you that one hit that turns a series around and the manager doesnā€™t need a HOF lock to win a pennant. Braves lost AcuƱa and made a series of July deadline trades for spare parts that ignited their WS run. Those spare parts cashed in with OTHER franchises after the season and didnā€™t net any more rings up to this point. Baseball is not as complicated as fans make it out to be.
I think youā€™re more emotionally invested in this than I am. You get very defensive when it comes to baseball lol
Again, I ask for a simple clarification. You donā€™t think low revenue teams are at any disadvantage vs high revenue teams In baseballā€™s CBA?
Sureā€¦and Buffalo is at a disadvantage against Dallas in the NFL. Gameā€™s still the same. Score more than the other guysā€¦KISS.
I think youā€™re more emotionally invested in this than I am. You get very defensive when it comes to baseball lol
Strawman. Iā€™m cursed with knowing what Iā€™m talking about. Lot of posts asserting your point with NO investment? šŸ˜‰ And ā€œlolā€ is an overused cop out. You seriously laughing out loud like a street preacher?
Again, I ask for a simple clarification. You donā€™t think low revenue teams are at any disadvantage vs high revenue teams In baseballā€™s CBA?

Scout,Draft and manageā€¦itā€™s that simpleā€¦money comes with attraction.keep your young promising players build around them and everything else falls into place..small market teams are bad about trying to keep up with bigger market teams doing so like @butchna said they trade away what young talent they have chasing one or two star players that might have 3 years left all comes back to bad management that doesnā€™t have patience or understanding of how farm systems work.nobody likes to wait.
Strawman. Iā€™m cursed with knowing what Iā€™m talking about. Lot of posts asserting your point with NO investment? šŸ˜‰ And ā€œlolā€ is an overused cop out. You seriously laughing out loud like a street preacher?
Lol as in Iā€™m being lighthearted, not as in Iā€™m laughing at butchna. It isnā€™t a straw man because I think you like baseball to the point you are willing to overlook valid evidence to believe in your opinion.

Ok last point and I promise to stop.

2 GMs, both have the same ability to construct a baseball roster. One has a $70m budget the other has $200m. Does one have an advantage over the other?
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Sureā€¦and Buffalo is at a disadvantage against Dallas in the NFL. Gameā€™s still the same. Score more than the other guysā€¦KISS.
Buffalo isnā€™t at a disadvantage because Dallas isnā€™t allowed to spend more than Buffalo. NFL had a pseudo flloor, and a cap. Level playing field
Lol as in Iā€™m being lighthearted, not as in Iā€™m laughing at butchna. It isnā€™t a straw man because I think you like baseball to the point you are willing to overlook valid evidence to believe in your opinion.

Ok last point and I promise to stop.

2 GMs, both have the same ability to construct a baseball roster. One has a $70m budget the other has $200m. Does one have an advantage over the other?
Backhanded slap from you. Canā€™t possibly have a valid point because I love the game. šŸ¤”

GM who makes better moves makes that $70 mil work better and WIN more than an idiot who mismanages the $200 milā€¦PROVEN throughout baseball history.
Buffalo isnā€™t at a disadvantage because Dallas isnā€™t allowed to spend more than Buffalo. NFL had a pseudo flloor, and a cap. Level playing field
Stadium and marketing generates an ENVIRONMENT that lands the free agents. Buffalo has better coaching and development, currently and win moreā€¦but their stars have been departing regularly. Diggs anyone? Buffalo as a rule doesnā€™t outspend others in free agency and still winā€¦how is that possible?
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