Recruiting Football Talk VII

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I’m just glad you’ve moved on from “you can’t win a NC if you’re not pulling a top 2 class”.

The post above is much more vague and pretty much impossible to refute.

You’re learning.
There are always outliers. But to win championships, you gotta have at least top 5 classes consistently.
You have to find players whom fit your system and a good cultural fit.

There’s been multiple highly ranked players passed over by other schools due to certain circumstances.

Sorry but you can’t sit there with a straight face and say, well he’s only a 3-2 star player according the recruiting services so he won’t be any good.

If that’s the case, then why should coaches even bother evaluating players if the recruiting services are doing it for them?
Funny how it seems like the best players in the nation year in and year out seem to fit the culture in Bama, UGA, OSU and even LSU just fine.

There will always be highly ranked players passed up for a multitude of reasons. But that’s not the majority. The recruiting services get it right more often than they get it wrong.

Also about the culture fit, AU wonder why Heupel, for the most part usually recruits the same players that UGA, Bama and other big time schools do?
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