Recruiting Football Talk VII

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they said last night they called her husband in, her heart rate was very low. They didn’t think she was gonna make it. It’s not good my man she’s gonna need a miracle at this point it seems 🥲🙏🏻 I’ve not heard anything today
Though I don't like the news, I like that you gave an update. Just like our Vols today, don't give and keep on praying for our friend Sweet As Soda!
I figured we were even... you know because of all the...
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I can't help that you're a team jinx. I'm just stating a known fact.

they said last night they called her husband in, her heart rate was very low. They didn’t think she was gonna make it. It’s not good my man she’s gonna need a miracle at this point it seems 🥲🙏🏻 I’ve not heard anything today
Continued prayers for her and her family. She knows Jesus, so she's good no matter what. Prayers for Peace that the Hope of Eternity brings.
Time to be serious for a two daughters want children so badly and are having issues older girl is 30 and has been married for 10 years and they have been trying for years, but she has some physical issues that make conceiving difficult, they are now doing fertility treatments, and my baby girl is 29 and just got married hoing in 2 years ago, but her and the SiL want to have a couple of children and don't want to wait until she is in her mid 30s.

I would appreciate you guys praying for them...especially my older daughter, it has caused her some issues with depression..she desperately wants a child.
You got it brother.
Time to be serious for a two daughters want children so badly and are having issues older girl is 30 and has been married for 10 years and they have been trying for years, but she has some physical issues that make conceiving difficult, they are now doing fertility treatments, and my baby girl is 29 and just got married hoing in 2 years ago, but her and the SiL want to have a couple of children and don't want to wait until she is in her mid 30s.

I would appreciate you guys praying for them...especially my older daughter, it has caused her some issues with depression..she desperately wants a child.
🙏🙏🙏 for both of your daughters…. If it is not meant to be…. they can foster infants and adopt that way… I know it’s not ideal but a lot of kids out there need good homes.
Time to be serious for a two daughters want children so badly and are having issues older girl is 30 and has been married for 10 years and they have been trying for years, but she has some physical issues that make conceiving difficult, they are now doing fertility treatments, and my baby girl is 29 and just got married hoing in 2 years ago, but her and the SiL want to have a couple of children and don't want to wait until she is in her mid 30s.

I would appreciate you guys praying for them...especially my older daughter, it has caused her some issues with depression..she desperately wants a child.
Been there. Had pretty much given up hope. Then when we were at our lowest we were blessed with our first. It’s on His time, not ours. Praying for yours
they said last night they called her husband in, her heart rate was very low. They didn’t think she was gonna make it. It’s not good my man she’s gonna need a miracle at this point it seems 🥲🙏🏻 I’ve not heard anything today
Still praying but God's will doesn't always line up with our desires. Still not over though and SaS would never give up on any one of us.
I’m assuming Orange/White tomorrow.

Be funny as **** if TV decided to make 85% of y’all mad and decided to go smokey gray
Early on in Danny Whites time at UT, he was asked what he thought about all of the teams wearing alternate colors like black, gray and Summitt blue. He said they were fine occasionally but that any team that is playing in a contest for a national title should be wearing ORANGE 🍊 in that game.
We shall see if that holds Monday night. I hope it does. GBO!
Don’t know if I am still on your ignore list for something I wrote a year or so I apologize if so. Will be praying for your daughters and SIL. Would they consider adoption? My wife couldn’t have children and the Lord blessed us twice (well really thrice since we adopted our grandson when he was 4). Children are precious and you will find you love them as much as if you conceived them. Just my $.02
@Ulysees E. McGill...wanted to make sure saw this... just in case...
Time to be serious for a two daughters want children so badly and are having issues older girl is 30 and has been married for 10 years and they have been trying for years, but she has some physical issues that make conceiving difficult, they are now doing fertility treatments, and my baby girl is 29 and just got married hoing in 2 years ago, but her and the SiL want to have a couple of children and don't want to wait until she is in her mid 30s.

I would appreciate you guys praying for them...especially my older daughter, it has caused her some issues with depression..she desperately wants a child.
has she tried evf? worked for my sis in law
New babies at our age are brutal. Those sleepless nights hit a lot lot harder.

Still, congratulations. Suffer through the next year and then it starts to be really fun. Don't feel guilty for hating it until then. Or at least don't judge me for hating it haha.
i was 42 when we had my son. not so bad.

biggest thing is lack of energy.

best thing i can recommend is for you to get some rest. your wife just gave birth, so it's only logical
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that’s bc they are sissy birches in everyday life.
If we win tomorrow, we will end with a 60-12 record (the first team in SEC history to win 60 games), an SEC Championship, an SEC Tourney Championship, a Regional Championship, a Super Regional Championship, and a National Championship.

If the day before that possibly happens, you are saying words like " embarrassment", "choke", "lol", "I would have done this or that", "not ready to play", "the lights are too bright, the moment too big", shows what you are truly made of, and that is are made of nothing. A loser, a coward, a dumbass...that is who you truly are, someone who should be ashamed of themselves. You make me sick; and, I'd be willing to bet you make everyone around you sick.

If we do happen to come up short tomorrow...yes, I will be so disappointed; but, at least I won't be a b!tch.
I haven’t said anything on here yet but we’re going to the hospital tomorrow night to be induced. I’m 41 and finally having my first kid. Going to be a dad to a baby girl, Magnolia June. Beyond excited and nervous. How awesome would it be to win the National Championship and then welcome my baby girl to the world???? Y’all keep us in your prayers and Go VOLS!!!
That's the good stuff, right there.
Congratulations to all!!
With Zander “all I do is close out championships” Sechrist on the mound tomorrow, you have to feel good about our chances. Time to put all the chips on the table.
This is the key.

If A&M get's out to a lead they will throw their ace reliever and we will struggle to come back.

If Z man can go 5 plus innings and leave with a lead, we will win.

Let's go Vols!!!
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