Recruiting Football Talk VII

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She held on through the World Series.
Adieu, Sweet Lady.

Requiem for a Volunteer.

Thanks for posting that, Made these eyes tear up a bit. After hearing that, I couldn't help but play a recording of a Scottish bagpiper playing Amazing Grace at my dad's funeral service 5 yrs ago. Didn't personally know Oda but truly felt like I did. I will miss her, honor her and keep her and her loved ones in my thoughts and prayers.
There's some insane bias and some confusion between good team= tough road environment going on.
He's obviously trolling us the morning after CWS win. Look at the undeserving top 2.

Something to keep in mind when you see future tweets from whats-his-name, Brent McMurphy aka Butt McMuffy.
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I know people see faith and others see stories we tell ourselves. Here's a thought that entered my head.

It seems ironic that the captain of the cheerleaders did not leave this earth until hours after we won our first title in decades.

In some circles that would be more than a coincidence. Maybe that is a story I tell myself, but God usually hits me with bats that look a lot like that.
Well guys I just got word that @SweetasSoda passed away today at 12:59 pm. Please keep her family in your prayers in the coming days. 😭

Tragic. Just tragic. Thoughts and prayers are with her family. She would have loved to see us win the title last night, perhaps more than anyone.
Ole Greg showing his true colors

This should be enough for him to lose his jig at ESPN. Immediately and without appeal. It's extreme bias and falsification, if one wants to avoid saying "lying." He is simply not honest or professional enough to be on the air. ESPN should not allow this guy to on air. Maybe he would be great in backwoods Tuscaloosa.

He is not an announcer and he is not an analyst. He is a crooked BOOSTER. Broadcasts should not permit a booster to use them as a means to boost programs and assail others without merit.
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I saw a vid of him last night deriding a reporter for even asking him that question, ranting on about his loyalty to TAMU, and then walking out in a huff.

Was he lying? Is he negotiating a raise? "Changed" his mind? wtf

Roy Williams went off on Bonnie Bernstein after Kansas lost the title game when asked if he was considering the UNC job, and then he took the job at UNC a few days later.
His leaving seemed to bring the whole team together and to eliminate a distraction and negative influence. I wish that weren't true.
Agree - blessing in disguise. He took the money, did it his way, and lost. He doesn't care because it was always about him - me first guy. We want team first guys.
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