Recruiting Football Talk VII

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I read their comments before our game yesterday. I do not feel bad for them in the least. If you read what the majority of them were saying, I think you'd agree.

We made fun of the yell team, but we never really talked bad about individuals. . . no where near what they were saying. They were trashing Vitello, the players, the fans, and Tennessee in general, saying some pretty nasty stuff.

I think a tragedy like this should happen to them (their fans) every morning, 😂. . . maybe not the players. . .
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Dear Mrs. @SweetasSoda,

I never knew you. We never met. We didn't have a personal relationship, really.

But I will still miss you. You never ceased to have a kind word when I was going through the trial of my life, and even long after. My understanding is that you were very much the glue that held your family together, which comes as no surprise to those of us who interacted with you on here.

I pray for your family. I pray that they have peace. I pray that they found your strength and rally behind your example and carry on your legacy as a testament to you. I pray that you had peace before you slipped into eternity and was welcomed home by our Savior.

Your presence will be missed, regardless of how long it is between my visits to this wonderful site. And, one...minor...request, shine some luck on our boys down here and help bring some more Natty's our way, in all sports.

V, B!
Amen! I remember his tenure at TCU. Seemed classy and dignified. We’re all subject to misjudging a faulty man. My sympathy for those cretin sycophants in that A&M fanbase died a weekend ago, tho.
Yeah, I don't feel bad for them. I just want them to go after their a-hole ex coach. In a serious way, with a serious charge. Not just whining. Force him out of his Texas deal and leave all three of them -- SausageBagel, Texas, and TAMU fans -- with nothing but being pissed. At least TAMU fans would fell vindicated: that's why I think they might have the energy to put into it. Their own TAMU AD would prolly backstab them, tho. TAMU AD had the chance to go big against lying Saban and cowered. That imo was the opportunity of a lifetime.
I read their comments before our game yesterday. I do not feel bad for them in the least. If you read what the majority of them were saying, I think you'd agree.

We made fun of the yell team, but we never really talked bad about individuals. . . no where near what they were saying. They were trashing Vitello, the players, the fans, and Tennessee in general, saying some pretty nasty stuff.

I think a tragedy like this should happen to them (their fans) every morning, 😂. . . maybe not the players. . .
Eh...vol nation has had some pretty terrible takes from the loudest few. Most of us quiet fans disassociate ourselves from those crazies.

I do feel bad for the quiet majority. Be like our coach leaving for Alabama after taking us to a national title game. I'd be pissed too.
Well guys I just got word that @SweetasSoda passed away today at 12:59 pm. Please keep her family in your prayers in the coming days. 😭
There is no doubt in my mind she held on long enough to be here when we won it all. She knows. She knows. My heart is broken but I know she's smiling and we are all so much better for her being here with us. I will miss her so. Beautiful lady with a beautiful soul.
Imagine coming back to this welcome home from you fanbase and then ditching them 2 hours later to go to your hated rival lol. This is an all-time heel move. Makes the Kiffin to USC stuff look like nothing.

That is an Ole turning on Dusty type heel turn right there. He had to be out of college station when that news broke.
They convinced themselves it was Vitello, not schlossenweinerflossin
So F the Aggies. But support them going after that lying cheating backstabbing POS schlossenweinerflossin full bore. Stole our PitchCom in the middle of the game. Lied about it to us. Lied about it to the umpires. They knew what our pitches were going to be early until we figured it out. Then we had to change our signals and go old school. And he is still lying about trying to steal the game. He's a crook and a liar and backstabber.
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Well guys I just got word that @SweetasSoda passed away today at 12:59 pm. Please keep her family in your prayers in the coming days. 😭
One thing I would like to say. Some people have a quality about them that just shines. I don't post angry, but I have posted a few things on here that I quickly deleted just because I thought SAS would think less of me if she saw it. That was a good women.
Imagine coming back to this welcome home from you fanbase and then ditching them 2 hours later to go to your hated rival lol. This is an all-time heel move. Makes the Kiffin to USC stuff look like nothing.

We all knew USC was Kiffin's dream school. I do believe him when he says he would have never left Knoxville except for that. The more I read about Schloss the more I am losing respect. Did he really let his guys find out from Social media that he was leaving? Hopefully means none follow him to Texas.
One thing I would like to say. Some people have a quality about them that just shines. I don't post angry, but I have posted a few things on here that I quickly deleted just because I thought SAS would think less of me if she saw it. That was a good women.
She was a lot better person than I will ever be. At least here, but I'm sure she was just as classy and kind in life.
I know people see faith and others see stories we tell ourselves. Here's a thought that entered my head.

It seems ironic that the captain of the cheerleaders did not leave this earth until hours after we won our first title in decades.

In some circles that would be more than a coincidence. Maybe that is a story I tell myself, but God usually hits me with bats that look a lot like that.
History proves that Jesus disciples were brutally murdered, except John who was exiled. Why? Why wouldn’t they just deny that Christ had risen and save themselves from dying a torturous death? If it were a fairy tale, if they hadn’t witnessed and touched his nail scarred hands, they would have changed their tune.
He thinks that because Rick Barnes is a devout Christian, that he is soft like Mark Richt...outside of being Christian they are nothing alike...he is too thick to see that Rick is a hardass,, and his team's are hardasses, and that is NOTHING like Richt, his teams were squishy soft....nobody in basketball would call the Vols soft with a straight face.
Last year defense was insane. I have all respect for Rick Barnes. A great great coach. Best thing about Texas Longhorns--they let him go.
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