Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Eh...vol nation has had some pretty terrible takes from the loudest few. Most of us quiet fans disassociate ourselves from those crazies.

I do feel bad for the quiet majority. Be like our coach leaving for Alabama after taking us to a national title game. I'd be pissed too.
Almost all of the **** takes are trolls. Same people over and over. In sport after sport. They don't belong to us.
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I'm heartbroken all over again but I was glad to hear she had JESUS in her heart. There's no more pain for our Captain of the Cheerleaders. I'll keep praying for the LORD to comfort her family and her VN family. She's leaving a hole that will never be filled. View attachment 653817So fitting for her final post.


Beautiful tribute
Ole Greg showing his true colors

Why don't they give Tony V an invite to come on their show and Greg can say that to him person to person. Tony V would have too much class to tell Greg to cork his cake hole but Greg will just hide behind his microphone and bash a great guy and coach that his kids obviously love and think the world of. Just because Tony does things his way doesn't mean he has no class. Greg can get bent.
We all knew USC was Kiffin's dream school. I do believe him when he says he would have never left Knoxville except for that. The more I read about Schloss the more I am losing respect. Did he really let his guys find out from Social media that he was leaving? Hopefully means none follow him to Texas.
Kiffin’s obsession with all things Vols is due (imo) to he had a perfect situation to tailor a program to his personality…with full support from fans and admin, and ditched that for USC. An institution (like Texas) where there’s no license for growing pains or a losing streak. They want everything ALL THE TIME RIGHT NOW…like our LOM. Tony gets a short audition in Austin if he’s even hired as an ASSISTANT. First time a blowhard coach like Van Horn calls him out, that country club gets the lawyers out of bed and forms an exit strategy. USC just left Kiff on the tarmac. #Dignity
We all knew USC was Kiffin's dream school. I do believe him when he says he would have never left Knoxville except for that. The more I read about Schloss the more I am losing respect. Did he really let his guys find out from Social media that he was leaving? Hopefully means none follow him to Texas.
He's going to buy the players he wants from TAMU. And then they won't be angry. And he is going to backstab the rest of them.
This should be enough for him to lose his jig at ESPN. Immediately and without appeal. It's extreme bias and falsification, if one wants to avoid saying "lying." He is simply not honest or professional enough to be on the air. ESPN should not allow this guy to on air. Maybe he would be great in backwoods Tuscaloosa.

He is not an announcer and he is not an analyst. He is a crooked BOOSTER. Broadcasts should not permit a booster to use them as a means to boost programs and assail others without merit.
Greg probably prefers his wife to lay motionless while he makes luke warm passionless love to her once every other year, because he obviously can't understand what a person that is passionate about something looks like.
Well guys I just got word that @SweetasSoda passed away today at 12:59 pm. Please keep her family in your prayers in the coming days. 😭

No------this place now has a great big hole in it

Prayers of comfort sent for her family and friends

Life sometime just sucks
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The comments below the article 👀
One of the fans suggests promoting the pitching coach to the head coach role. How funny would it be for a place with male yell leaders to have a HC named Max Wiener?
Why don't they give Tony V an invite to come on their show and Greg can say that to him person to person. Tony V would have too much class to tell Greg to cork his cake hole but Greg will just hide behind his microphone and bash a great guy and coach that his kids obviously love and think the world of. Just because Tony does things his way doesn't mean he has no class. Greg can get bent.
Because that ginger is a giant pussy
So we’ve lost Oda

😕 for us, but man is she living it up now..times like this is why this verse is one of my favorites..

Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love him.

Not a fairy tale to me...
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