Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Yes Sir, I was gonna let @Devo182 create it. I spoke with the family and they need help with the burial, the husband said he was short on money. I’m waiting on her obituary before I post all the details to @Devo182

Also, I want to thank everyone on this site that has reached out, prayed and expressed their love and concern. You guy and gals are rock stars. I appreciate it and I know the family does as well 👊
We appreciate you sharing the information and keeping us up to date.
What a bitch
I agree, why even say anything at all? I've watched Tony during the celebration, and I don't know what his actions have to do with Dude's personal life or "society". He hugged his parents, He said a "four letter word" when he saw he was on the jumbotron? I would have no doubt that Nick Saban probably said them. He screamed hilariously when they threw the ice gatorade on him and didn't get his pants in a wad-- chasing the guys, pushing and giving them hugs while laughing. He also jumped into the crowd of fans, which would be considered undignified for someone like Nick saban, who comes across like a person with a stick up his butt. To me, if I was watching that celebration, I would want to come and play for Tony. He lets them laugh, be themselves and have fun, and they admittedly love him dearly--enough to run through a wall.
Drew and his girlfriend should just ignore the noise, also Drew should've known dating a girl from a enemy school some individuals would throw some shade.

In conclusion stay off Social Media it's a cesspool.
Exactly. That said I think his statement was pretty well thought out. Probably knows the vast majority of the fans aren’t complete morons.
Well a poster in Baseball Forum stated that Alberts fired a couple of Schloss assistant coaches and there was friction between the AD and Schloss. Supposedly got that info off Aggies message board.
Watched a couple of podcast this AM and one guy said that Schloss wanted the Texas job the last time it came open. His old AD is now the AD at Texas.
Sup Champs??

....I'm so far behind I may never catch up. quick question, has anyone posted the tweet where aggie fan asks "what is a Vol?" and reply is "your school isn't Mexico A&M is it?" or something like that?

I seent it elsewhere and can't find it and I needs it. Thanks for any Champions you.
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