Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Maybe if these losers would get out of their fefes and stop making smoothbrained, overly emotional comments about our coach, they wouldn't constantly be having to walk back their dumbass quotes.
For me...stick to it. I would have respected him WAY more if he had said, "Yeah, I said what I said, and meant every word of it. I hate Tennessee, I hate Tony Vitello, I hate EVERYTHING about them. Every single Vol in the world can go straight to hell". I would've had nothing but respect for that. It is EXACTLY how I feel about a bammer.
Not one person has yet addressed the content of my posts. Just snarks that I posted them.
if you could care less about our colors and think I’m an idiot for pointing it out, that fine.
just engage in the subject.
We wore a variety of uniforms throughout the season. The Orange is not going away. Black is loved by the younger kids at all schools, not just UT. Younger generations love the alternate uniforms. Orange and White will always be the colors of the University of Tennessee.

Calm down. Take your pills or a nap. It is going to be ok. This is a safe space but if you say silly things, you will get silly snarky answers. Go Vols!
Didn't Danny White say that we would wear the alternate uniforms against second tier rivals/randos and orange or white against everyone but always major rivals? I'm pretty sure that was only specific to football and since that quote was made, I don't recall us deviating from that.
He did say this at one time but he also said we would wear our primary orange and white uniforms in ANY national title game in any sport.
Oh my freaking Lord we won a national title not two days ago and we have the Miserables pearl clutching *checks notes* wearing black jerseys for the national title Game 3.
That's mind blowing to me. Seriously. I'm astonished right now that someone can post multiple times complaining about uniform colors immediately after winning a national title.
That’s just it.
im not crying.
im not angry
ive accepted it.
nothing i can do about it.
just tell me that Danny White did not promise that all sports under him would wear Orange and White in national title games. He obviously changed him mind and let the players choose.
ok then.
im just saying that if we wear Black in a national title game, it should be named as our primary color.
Will be interesting to see if the players are allowed to choose should football or basketball ever make a national title game.
Oh my freaking Lord we won a national title not two days ago and we have the Miserables pearl clutching *checks notes* wearing black jerseys for the national title Game 3.
Again snark.
address my post.
should black be our primary color, yes or no?
I agree, why even say anything at all? I've watched Tony during the celebration, and I don't know what his actions have to do with Dude's personal life or "society". He hugged his parents, He said a "four letter word" when he saw he was on the jumbotron? I would have no doubt that Nick Saban probably said them. He screamed hilariously when they threw the ice gatorade on him and didn't get his pants in a wad-- chasing the guys, pushing and giving them hugs while laughing. He also jumped into the crowd of fans, which would be considered undignified for someone like Nick saban, who comes across like a person with a stick up his butt. To me, if I was watching that celebration, I would want to come and play for Tony. He lets them laugh, be themselves and have fun, and they admittedly love him dearly--enough to run through a wall.
Enough to die for him.

-Cal Stark
Who cares what jerseys we wore? We are national champs and will always be the big orange. There is a reason some jerseys are called “alternates”.
Yes! Exactly. And @KPT_VFL was a big fat negative nancy during the last few games. It doesn't matter though, because our boys brought home the hardware and UT is the champs!
The black jerseys in football and baseball are sick. Universally loved by most fans and recruits. We will always be Orange and White. Wearing black jerseys occasionally will not change that… Don’t understand the bellyaching. We won a national title two days ago and now we’re lowkey mad about it. Sheesh.
"I can't go just yet, Father. There is one more thing, one more victory I need to witness here. Can we please wait just a little longer?"

- @SweetasSoda (without a doubt)
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Well, I am at my desk wiping away tears. No, there aren't onions. The tears are real and appropriate. 😢😢
Of course you did.
We won in black despite our AD previously saying we would only play national title games wearing Orange.
Whats a promise to a fan base when the players overrule you, I suppose.
We are now the Big Black and White.
Pantone 151 Orange is so old school.
it should be permanently replaced By Black.
heres hoping we change all of our uniforms to black and just use orange as an accent color
its what all the kids want…so, I’ve decided to stop fighting it and will embrace it.
Go Big Black!
Will now torch a full closet of Orange clothing. At least, black makes me look thinner.
Dude, stop.

1) Can you source where White said this? Just curious.
2) You realize we wore orange and white in Game 1?
3) You realize the black jerseys aren't black and white, they're black and orange?
4) They were probably supposed to wear orange Game 3 but stuck with the "lucky" blacks after Game 2.

Weird straw man and panic attack you're putting together right now. You literally care more that we didn't wear all orange than that we won a title.
He did say this at one time but he also said we would wear our primary orange and white uniforms in ANY national title game in any sport.
Imagine you're a deer running through the woods...... You stop at a brook to drink water, you press your tiny deer lips to the cool water and........bam! some hunter blows your deer brains out all over the place........... Now I ask you...... Do you really care what color jersey the guy was wearing?
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