Recruiting Football Talk VII

You obviously didn’t read all of my posts.
My bottom line is that I think the majority of our recruits and players would prefer playing in Black than Orange which is why we played in Black in the nat title game.
i see the change just as I saw the changes you mentioned.
ive read and even taught the book WHO MOVED MY CHEESE. I get change.
We will wear black (dark mode) more and more and eventually Black will be considered our primary color whether it’s a stated policy or not.
I don’t think this is true
Oh my freaking Lord we won a national title not two days ago and we have the Miserables pearl clutching *checks notes* wearing black jerseys for the national title Game 3.
If our teams are winning national championships, they can choose to wear PINK shirts for all I care. Go VOLS!
Of course you did.
We won in black despite our AD previously saying we would only play national title games wearing Orange.
Whats a promise to a fan base when the players overrule you, I suppose.
We are now the Big Black and White.
Pantone 151 Orange is so old school.
it should be permanently replaced By Black.
heres hoping we change all of our uniforms to black and just use orange as an accent color
its what all the kids want…so, I’ve decided to stop fighting it and will embrace it.
Go Big Black!
Will now torch a full closet of Orange clothing. At least, black makes me look thinner.
Good grief…. we just won a National Championship and this is what concerns you?
Every morning it's the same old crap. I am going about my own business on my morning walk and this bike rider comes out of nowhere and basically runs me off the road. It's a vicious cycle.
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A good start would to be talking to your team before leaving. Another would be simply telling the reporter who asked the question the day before that it's not the time for such questions or speculation rather than to exude faux outrage because you plan to stay exactly where you are.
A really good place to start would have also been to tell tu that they could talk after the season is over, not be negotiating while your team is on a run to the MCWS championship game.
Trev Alberts...this is still a dick move by Texas and Shlozdangle..but there is a lot more to this I think. It will be interesting to watch Maggie fans start connecting the dots once they calm down..
Clearly Texas schools enjoy bending each other over. With that kind of inbreeding, they fit right in with Bama and KY.

Arkansas, too, but for a different reason. They like making each other "squeal like a pig". I can almost hear banjo music.

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