Recruiting Football Talk VII

You ever seen the stats on dominant head coaches? It's funny but they all regress to the mean. Fox got panthers to a title game, they fire him and he went right down the road and did it again at Denver. NFL is 3 parts QB, 3 parts front office alignment, 1-3 parts owner, and 1-3 parts coach. The last one you can slide the ratios as long as you have a strong competent person in both seats and you share a vision.

Patriots at one time had all 3. Cowboys at one time before Jerry refused to have a strong minded coach had all 3. Titans and panthers have maybe 1.

If someone would give Belicheck a chance he'd probably be headed for some pretty mediocre results.
Fishers last 7 years coaching, he never won more than 8 games. Previous to that, he won more than 8 games 6 times…in 22 years. He is definition of mediocre and why he hasn’t been employed in the nfl since 2016
So you support ownership meddling in personnel decisions to maybe, perhaps slightly increase fan interest?

What you suggest wouldn't move the needle one iota with Vols fans UNLESS the drafted guy is a stud, which is a total crapshoot. They drafted Justin Hunter and he was a huge bust. They get zero credit for that, of course. Bringing in Dobbs brought them zero goodwill. In fact, it hurt them because they didn't re-sign him for 2023.
Hahaha why do teams sometimes keep higher paid vets if it was always about performance?

There is always a balance to all of this.
Fishers last 7 years coaching, he never won more than 8 games. Previous to that, he won more than 8 games 6 times…in 22 years. He is definition of mediocre and why he hasn’t been employed in the nfl since 2016
I am not a proponent of Fisher. Just saying most of the coaches end up mediocre given time. If your guy gets you to a superbowl he probably knows what he is doing.
I am not a proponent of Fisher. Just saying most of the coaches end up mediocre given time. If your guy gets you to a superbowl he probably knows what he is doing.
1 Super Bowl in 17 years with the franchise and only 6 total playoff appearances. So 6 playoff appearances in 22 years coaching.
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Sorry to intrude on the conversation, but I know that AJ Brown has "knee issues" and the Titan's medical staff were concerned enough to not warrant a long term deal. In hindsight, obviously a huge mistake. He was also a problem in the locker-room. Just saying..............

Levis has the tools to be really good to great. Staff loves him fwiw.

I'll root for the Titans no matter how stupid they are sometimes, just like UT during the "lost years"
I feel like trading AJ was the right move, it’s just the pick they made from the trade was poor. I’m of the notion that you don’t overpay big unless it’s a QB, OT, DE. I like trading guys before they start a decline (not saying AJ has begun declining, idk) while you can get real value for them. I love draft picks.
It is pretty much the rule. Outliers always exist.
when its 4 of the 10 its not an "outlier". an outlier at that scale is 1 or 2.

Michigan didn't cheat in 2023 when they won it. all of that punishment was from 2022.
LSU had 2 #5 classes in the 5 years before their title, thats hardly consistent.
Clemson won it twice which shows its not a fluke. especially when they are consistently making it to the playoffs and the title.

that is 4 of the 10 titles under the playoffs. there were 16 teams with consistent Top 5 classes, only 6 of them won titles. Of the 10 teams that lost only 2 of them lost to another Top 5 team.

Florida State also only had 2 top classes.
Auburn only had the 1 with Cam.
Urban only had 1 top class when he won in 2006, had 3 top classes for 2008
I feel like trading AJ was the right move, it’s just the pick they made from the trade was poor. I’m of the notion that you don’t overpay big unless it’s a QB, OT, DE. I like trading guys before they start a decline (not saying AJ has begun declining, idk) while you can get real value for them. I love draft picks.
AJ just signed a second contract with the Eagles so the trade turned out to be completely awful. Sadly, I will say

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