Recruiting Football Talk VII

Yeah...dumb narrative that somehow fans of pro teams are only fans of pro teams.

The Colts increased their fanbase big time when they drafted Peyton Manning and his jersey sell numbers in TN alone proved it.

If CMO landed in Atlanta they would ABSOLUTELY benefit.

Dalton Knecht has just been the most recent Vol that really became beloved despite being a 1 & done. He will bring Vols fans to the Lakers and if he's contributing it'll be a lot of them.
They have to be extremely good like Peyton for it to matter.
Here's where we differ on opinions. I know the GM was replaced, but the new GM hasn't proven himself yet. The new coach hasn't proven himself yet. There are lots of unknowns. Before I believe things have changed, I'll need to see it. How many times did we, as Vol fans, think things had changed, only to find out they really hadn't?
To be fair, the Titans had a really competitive run for a few years w Vrabel. Some key personell mistakes took them down pretty quickly, but ownership moved fast to try to fix it.
Yes, things are turning around now. But we thought the same with Kiffin, then Dooley, then Butch, then Pruitt. And we thought the same every time we switched ADs. I actually do hope the Titans find their way, but I view pro sports a lot differently than I do my Tennessee fandom. Hell, I grew up a Dallas Cowboys fan but swore them off because of the idiot owner.
I feel this lol
Yes, things are turning around now. But we thought the same with Kiffin, then Dooley, then Butch, then Pruitt. And we thought the same every time we switched ADs. I actually do hope the Titans find their way, but I view pro sports a lot differently than I do my Tennessee fandom. Hell, I grew up a Dallas Cowboys fan but swore them off because of the idiot owner.
Cowboys aren't involved in this pissing contest over the Titans.
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when its 4 of the 10 its not an "outlier". an outlier at that scale is 1 or 2.

Michigan didn't cheat in 2023 when they won it. all of that punishment was from 2022.
LSU had 2 #5 classes in the 5 years before their title, thats hardly consistent.
Clemson won it twice which shows its not a fluke. especially when they are consistently making it to the playoffs and the title.

that is 4 of the 10 titles under the playoffs. there were 16 teams with consistent Top 5 classes, only 6 of them won titles. Of the 10 teams that lost only 2 of them lost to another Top 5 team.

Florida State also only had 2 top classes.
Auburn only had the 1 with Cam.
Urban only had 1 top class when he won in 2006, had 3 top classes for 2008

He doesn’t believe in statistics, you’re wasting your time
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Yes, things are turning around now. But we thought the same with Kiffin, then Dooley, then Butch, then Pruitt. And we thought the same every time we switched ADs. I actually do hope the Titans find their way, but I view pro sports a lot differently than I do my Tennessee fandom. Hell, I grew up a Dallas Cowboys fan but swore them off because of the idiot owner.
here here. I haven't sworn off the cowboys. But I'm definitely less engaged with the 'idiot owner'.
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I've said it many times...............I HATED Ja' Morant when he was at Mu**ay St.....................and yet I still root for him and the Grizz.

I guess I can root for Zach as well...........

I don't like it, but I'll adapt.....Like I did with D Henry with the Titans.

It is what it is.............
I've said it many times...............I HATED Ja' Morant when he was at Mu**ay St.....................and yet I still root for him and the Grizz.

I guess I can root for Zach as well...........

I don't like it, but I'll adapt.....Like I did with D Henry with the Titans.

It is what it is.............
Ja being on best behavior. Haven't heard about any videos swinging a pistol lately.
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We weren't.
37th in PPG
39th in completion %
51st in passing yards per game
65th in passing TDs per game
19th in total yards per game & yards per play

But we were a top 10 rushing team
10th in rushing yards per game
9th in yards per carry
42nd in rushing TDs per game

But Clemson at 10 means they obviously didn't care about '23 stats... cause we were ahead of them in all the ones I just listed, every single one.
A team that placed 37th in the country in PPG against an SEC schedule is usually one of the 25 best in the country.

Last year’s offense rankings:
SP+ - 18
FPI - 22

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