Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Many of you know from the "Football Talk" thread, but there are a lot of posters who mostly stay in the recruits' threads and would like to know that @SweetasSoda has passed away after a sudden onset illness of about a month's duration. She posted in threads often and had many friends here. I don't want to post to every thread, and decided this would be a place where nearly everyone would see this message.

She called herself "the captain of the cheerleaders," and she was surely a bright, loyal, enthusiastic lover of Tennessee athletics, football and football recruiting most of all. A "Go Fund Me" account has been set up to help her family with funeral arrangements, if you would like to contribute. Please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers. It would probably be best if anyone who wanted to remember her in a brief message use the "SweetAsSoda GFM" or "Football Talk" threads, so recruits' thread are not run off-course.

@Orange. Do you mind posting this to the FF? I was going to, but this feels perfect if you'd like to do the honor 🙏
He brought Elander to teach his philosophy with hitting…. TV was the reason I was so excited when he was hired… His philosophy with hitting and pitching is what it takes to be great. It has surpassed my expectations and they were very high when Tony took this job If/when Josh moves on…. TV will replace him with someone that shares that philosophy. I hope when Frank decides to retire that we create our own pitching lab.
I couldn't say what I said above from personal recollection like you did, but one of my points was that Tony not only trained Elander as a coach,
TV taught hitting to Elander as a player. JE is Tony's hitting philosophy and technique personified.

I've read that Tony is asking for a big plie of money for his assistants.
Horror movies as a teenager scares most people. Horror movies at 53 years old is like why did I watch this crap.

Saying that Wrong Turn probably my favorite of all times.

Friday the 13th got ridiculous after so many.
Loved Wrong Turn. Didn't hurt I had a huge crush on the main girl.1000010061.jpg
Well...... allow me to retort.

5 of the Lakers titles were before they even moved to LA. They were the Minneapolis Lakers prior to 1960 and wore powder blue. They shouldn't even count the ones from when they were in Minnesota. That's some bama type championship claiming right there.

18 NBA titles for Boston
12 NBA titles for Los Angeles
And 8 consecutive titles for Boston from 59 to 66 too.

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