Recruiting Football Talk VII

You're talking in four years. Bronny played a single year. 5.7 ppg vs 4.8. Not different at all. Neither were studs and got drafted off their nepobaby status. Bronny's just going in a lot younger. Failure ahead.
Walton was drafted after being a first team all american and 2X all Pac 12 first team. Luke walton is also 6’8 compared to 6’2”. Walton would have been an undrafted FA at the end of his first year while Bronny got drafted bc of his daddy.
I was doing my reflection time this morning and I kept coming to the same thoughts. So often we are disappointed, dissatisfied or let down. Usually it is not the specific outcome, but the expectations that lead us to those feelings.

The world is pretty dissatisfying most days, but our way of thinking does not have to be.

I am so happy that @chvy1986 has a new baby girl. I am so happy that I had the gift of knowing @SweetasSoda. I am so happy that basevols won a title even if others are dissatisfied with how we celebrate. I am happy that DK got drafted even if the world was dissatisfied with his age.

I think if there is an evil one his greatest trick is convincing us we aren't happy when we have every reason we should be.

I pray each of you protects your joy. Finds the true love and joy in your life and cherishes it as best you can.
This one hit home watching these debates. I'm tempted to write in Donde or Danny. They handled the NCAA.
He brought Elander to teach his philosophy with hitting…. TV was the reason I was so excited when he was hired… His philosophy with hitting and pitching is what it takes to be great. It has surpassed my expectations and they were very high when Tony took this job If/when Josh moves on…. TV will replace him with someone that shares that philosophy. I hope when Frank decides to retire that we create our own pitching lab.
You just love those stupid geek terms don't you?..."pitching lab" 🤦‍♂️
@Orange. Do you mind posting this to the FF? I was going to, but this feels perfect if you'd like to do the honor 🙏
Posting that to the FF may sound good, but is a bad idea, upon reflection. She very rarely posted there. (Once this year.) More importantly, I think it would be considered an unacceptable precedent to permit a thread of that sort there. It might even risk it's status here. Let's roll discreetly with what we have.
Clean af….I forgot to mention I got my hat last week I’ll have to send you pictures of it..very unique and still had the price tag on it for $14.99😭😂😂😂 I paid over 100$ for it but thank you again..can’t say that enough…never stop the search…you’re go to my guy
Inflation and supply issues are no joking matter. Just ask Jerome Powell.

I got you.

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