Recruiting Football Talk VII

Man, that Jersey Dude 20 on Facebook makes some quality stitched jerseys. I may have to order one.

He has all baseball jerseys with CWS patches out now as well. The jerseys are $70 plus shipping, which is cheaper than Dicks and other places charging $100.

I attached some examples he’s done so far.

Edit: also making Knecht jerseys as well.
looks like he's just selling stuff he's bought from Nike, directly.
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It’s their arrogance and entitlement that will eventually be a problem for all original conference members. It’s no secret (plenty of articles) that TX played a huge role in destroying two conferences. They don’t like conference revenue sharing. Eventually, they will complain that Vandy for example gets cut the same check that they do from league offices.

Additionally, it is my belief that they will pressure the conference to move HQ to Dallas as well as all conference championship games. Adding them too the conference will eventually be a problem.
Vandy is already being discussed as a drain, and rightfully so. They don't even try.
I once dated a girl who was very beautiful and only had one minor flaw. One leg was slightly shorter than the other. Her name was Eileen.
I know FB really well...part of my job. It's gotten significantly worse over the last decade, but that's based on my friends list that's mostly folks around my age. Maybe you're in a younger generation than I am and it has been the norm with your group for a while.
It's been the norm of our social media culture for a long time, not my specific group. I got off Facebook 10 years ago for that very reason.

Blippi makes 12.5 million per year and has partially retired. Worth 75 Mill.

Vladimir and Nikita Vasketov makes $325,000 per episode of their show. Worth $50Mill, and have three homes.
No idea who that is, but Vladimir and Nikita sound suspiciously communist.......
My daughter bought this for me today. I'll wear it proudly.
Was in Greenville (SC) yesterday on the Swamp Rabbit Trail and saw someone wearing one. Shouted out "I liiiiike that shirt" in a Larry David-ish voice. His head popped up from his phone and shouted "YES SIR!!"

We are everywhere (and on top, we're getting those Natty shirts into the public real quickly). We're about to be so obnoxious to all the haters... 😆

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