Recruiting Football Talk VII

Happy Choose Day

Choose Joy if at all possible.

July 2, 2024: At this time many of you, My people, are bringing things to a conclusion. You will need to tie up loose ends at this juncture so that you can move on. Go forward with a clean slate as you leave the past behind and reach for the next goal both spiritually and naturally. Be strong and of good courage. Isaiah 43:18-19 Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
Before last season, the last time they won the Big 12 was 2009.
Exactly...they finally had a season where they met their lofty expectations. They're going to have to do it again, but in a tougher conference, to start being seen as a mainstay at the top. I know their schedule is relatively easy for an SEC schedule, but it will still be tougher than what they're used to. I think the jury is still out on Sarkisian putting out consistently elite teams. He's done a good job recruiting and improving the team every year, but it's definitely going to be more challenging in the SEC. I think too many folks are jumping the gun on expecting Texas to step right in and dominate.
What’s the latest on Seldon as far as when he will be ready? I’ve heard rumors of out till mid-season or back by second game
Maybe @Plove23 can provide an update?

I’m excited about Lewis too. If Seldon is able to make it back by NC State, that’s ideal, but I think Lewis has the ability to be a solid backup as a freshman.
Yikes. Bad look for the refs.
Confirming the goal was the most egregious thing I've seen in the sport. Didn't the league already apologize for an incorrect VAR conclusion this year? Pretty sure they did.

Coach B needed to be gone two years ago. This ref needs to go back to rec leagues. Send him to my over 30 league. Those guys might actually do something about it when a bad call happens.
United States will embarrass themselves on home soil in World Cup in 2026. I would bet want even make it to Knockout round.

Women's National team carries Soccer in America and now looks like rest of World is starting to catch up to them as well. The Men's team will always be average.
Confirming the goal was the most egregious thing I've seen in the sport. Didn't the league already apologize for an incorrect VAR conclusion this year? Pretty sure they did.

Coach B needed to be gone two years ago. This ref needs to go back to rec leagues. Send him to my over 30 league. Those guys might actually do something about it when a bad call happens.
Wha damn, ref so stanky he coaxed ole Rikidy out of the Applebee's bar to drop in and comment. At least something good came of it. In addition to getting you guys the new coach you want.
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That honestly just brought up a lot more questions than it did answers. Is brooks starting material, or does Banks suck at developing and recruiting to the point that Brooks is our best option?

AP answers lots of questions with 50%. I think he was joking but Brooks will definitely play
I hate asking but if anyone has a prayer to spare please, I need it more now for me and the OH than ever. I would crawl through broken glass to make it right (and I do mean that literally) but I don't know that I can. He lost hospice service and he's been through every hospice so no one wants to help. The hospital person had the nerve to push me to put him a nursing home and was no help. I'm at the end of my rope. I literally need a miracle. I can't live without him and he needs care (a nursing home would be the death of him). I'm no saint and have never claimed to be but I need a miracle.
Prayers that God will intercede and give you peace and guidance.
Y’all there was a time where I thought about leaving this board because it was constant bickering back and forth and just a lot of negativity. Amazing how much winning changes things over the last few years 😂😂
Winning is great, but I still tend to stay away for at least a day or so when we lose a game still. The negative nancy trolls come out and want to bicker and piss and moan. The chances of winning every single game in every single sport is zero but folks still want to try and drag everyone else down into their muck with them. It is one thing to feel bad and critique our teams' performances, but what some folks do is pure unadulterated negativity.

Glad you have stuck around. We need all the sunshine pumping we can get! 😆
My mother canned 48 quarts of green beans in last 2 days.
We were always left with my grandparents on two specific times of the year. First is when the new chicks were to arrive since gramps raised 'em for a living. The other was when it was time for canning. Bag after bag after bag after bag of green beans to be broken and strung. Used to even hate seeing them on my plate. Love 'em now but that was child abuse to me back then.

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