Recruiting Football Talk VII

My mother canned 48 quarts of green beans in last 2 days.
We were always left with my grandparents on two specific times of the year. First is when the new chicks were to arrive since gramps raised 'em for a living. The other was when it was time for canning. Bag after bag after bag after bag of green beans to be broken and strung. Used to even hate seeing them on my plate. Love 'em now but that was child abuse to me back then.
We were always left with my grandparents on two specific times of the year. First is when the new chicks were to arrive since gramps raised 'em for a living. The other was when it was time for canning. Bag after bag after bag after bag of green beans to be broken and strung. Used to even hate seeing them on my plate. Love 'em now but that was child abuse to me back then.
Yea and if you wanted to be scolded mix the beans. One bag was White half runners and the next was Peanut Beans. Good grief they look the same back when you're 10 🤷
I hate asking but if anyone has a prayer to spare please, I need it more now for me and the OH than ever. I would crawl through broken glass to make it right (and I do mean that literally) but I don't know that I can. He lost hospice service and he's been through every hospice so no one wants to help. The hospital person had the nerve to push me to put him a nursing home and was no help. I'm at the end of my rope. I literally need a miracle. I can't live without him and he needs care (a nursing home would be the death of him). I'm no saint and have never claimed to be but I need a miracle.
I don't know if you have a church family you can turn to, but even if you don't, there is power in prayer. I'd at least call the church secretary or if you know the pastor, call him directly. Tell them of your situation and request prayer. You never know how the Spirit will move to open doors you didn't even know existed. You both will be in my prayers. God bless and keep you both.
Coin Flip Price.
Well, I was in the stadium in the endzone when Walker trucked Bill freaking Bates on the way to his TD. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think he'd remain on the field at UT much less play for the Cowboys in the NFL. If something like that could happen with an athlete like Bates, nothing is impossible.
AP answers lots of questions with 50%. I think he was joking but Brooks will definitely play
I agree, that's all it is. IMO - Brooks will be used situationally, taking advantage of what he does well. There is talent in that position group. The question all along and is still the same, can Willie/Banks develop them to top SEC game performances. Individual play is fine, but overall secondary unit performance is the key to good D on the back end. Do they play well together?

As of this season there will have been plenty of time to know if they can or cannot.
Which is worse if you have kids or grandkids?

A. Ice cream truck which is a rip off
B. Fireworks tents beside the roads and in parking lots, which is a bigger rip off.
For our two grandsons - B. That's all they talk about. The baby granddaughter is so sensitive to loud noises she will be a hot mess this week.
Which is worse if you have kids or grandkids?

A. Ice cream truck which is a rip off
B. Fireworks tents beside the roads and in parking lots, which is a bigger rip off.

Papaw’s pockets are always deep when the grandkids come over so…neither 😭😂😂😂 try again tomorrow
It's not just the's the 15 years of irrelevance and pure incompetence.

Yeah, I think that I post about it not to troll but because it is concerning...

They key issue is Florida. They are still out recruiting us on paper even though we have been better the last 3-4 years. I know it is hard to take it seriously at first but when you consider the egg we laid last year in the Swamp, it makes sense. To get over and finally win games and beat Rivals that are going 5-7, we need to recruit better.

If we keep competing, it should turn around. We also seem to be landing the top players at one of the most important position (QB).

I think defense is where we need to step it up. Bring in another Eric Berry level player for that secondary.

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