Recruiting Football Talk VII

I had to take a break from X--- We are going to have to deal with this "who's the real UT" BS from here on out... always something...
not really. this is simple. anyone having anything to do with the state of Texas should just thank anyone from the state of Tenneseee, otherwise, they'd be living in North Mexico.
Prepared to throw things at @drvenner .....

That honestly just brought up a lot more questions than it did answers. Is brooks starting material, or does Banks suck at developing and recruiting to the point that Brooks is our best option?
Wouldn’t it speak more in Banks favor that he’s able to develop a former PWO into a sec caliber starter?
tl;dr Since someone is interested...

ESPN turned their cameras away from most of it. It was the reason Burke almost got into the altercation with TAMU's third base coach, and it could have gotten really ugly. There was a point when many players from both dugouts were out on the field. ESPN also suppressed that video (just didn't show it), but one of the announcers described it (very briefly afterward) (I think it is around the time Phillips came in.) Anyway, none of the other announcers responded or seemed interested.

It's the reason our coaches did not shake hands with the TAMU coaches after the game (only Tony and Schloss did).

The pitchcom did not get lost in Camarillo's clothes. That is stupid. It was plainly visible on his sleeve when he is sitting on the ground after he was tagged out. When he starts to get up -- and as third base coach Nolan Cain approaches him -- ESPN cuts the picture off, both live and again in the replay. They edit out what happened. I can't say on purpose. But the pitchcom didn't simply disappear into thin air after it was on Camarillo's sleeve the previous second (in the video). Unedited video would likely show that Camarillo pocketed or palmed it himself in plain sight of his coach Cain or that he handed it to coach Cain who did the same.

Burke apparently saw what happened. There is the briefest glimpse of him halfway across the diamond shouting apparently at Cain in the video. And reports from those present who say Burke and Cain almost got into it. This is the point where one of the announcers tells what has been happening and that was not televised iirc.

It's also interesting to see Tony at the mound when Phillips comes in, apparently explaining to our team that we can no longer use our stolen pitchcom system. Burke is rather animated in talking to Tony before Tony takes over. Phillips gives a what-a-POS look in the direction of the third base box. After one pitch, Stark comes out to have a talk with Philips, both covering their mouths with their gloves. Maybe the first signal was confused and it had to be straighten out.

One of the announcers went out of his way to point out shortly after this: "It is interesting that Tennessee is using signals." Then he amplied his remark in repeating it. Something like: "he [Phillips] has a pitchcom on his arm, but he is not using it. Stark is signaling pitches, which is unusual." Perhaps that was the most he felt like he could say (for the sake of the subtle) to explain what had happened. That is, that TAMU had swiped a Tennessee pitchcom. And that is what the commotion was about. Apparently it was decided somehow that the event would be ignored. That in itself seems rather bizarre.

Frank Anderson came out on to the field when the big (non-televised) uproar happened, according to first hand reports, and questioned the umpire and asked the umpire to check TAMU's player. They went over and questioned him and they said they did not have it. To me this is peculiar also because Anderson coming on to the field and talking to an umpire who then goes to a player (and maybe base coach) is exactly the kind of thing I see television loving to show in baseball broadcasts. It's all about the upset managers and umps!

After all that, how could Schloss not ask his player and third base coach and the umpire wtf was happening? I mean if he didn't already know? He just had zero curiosity about what they were all arguing about? Makes no sense.

The whole episode from the tag out to the end of the inning are interesting to watch and listen to. I would love to know what Tony said to Schloss after the game.
awesome breakdown
I had to take a break from X--- We are going to have to deal with this "who's the real UT" BS from here on out... always something...
Just relentlessly refer to Texas as TU. That's what all those midwestern Big 12 schools do anyway. University of Oklahoma? OU. University of Kansas? KU. University of Missouri? MU. University of Colorado? CU.

Texas is TU. Tennessee is UT. Trust me, they hate it almost as much as they hate horns down.
Before last season, the last time they won the Big 12 was 2009.
I think it will likely help their recruiting to be in our league. OTOH it may make it slightly easier for us to get players from Texas. May seem less of a stretch for the kids now. I guess we'll see.
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awesome breakdown
Thanks. I appreciate that. It's hard for me, at least, to explain what makes it interesting without taking some space. It's the 5th inning, if want to look, and if you don't already recall, when Kirby is pitching. I got some of what happened off camera from Kirby's dad.

I'm not annoyed about it. And I am still pumped up about winning a national championship.

I guess August 31 can't get here fast enough. 😂
So our safety room is looking like: Turrentine, Brooks, Thomas, Savage, Charles, Carter, Farooq, Jakobe Thomas, and yet it’s a 50/50 shot that Brooks is the starter. That has to speak negatively on Banks, right? Unless Brooks made that big of a jump in the offseason
Well... if they're all receiving the same position coaching, and the better/faster athletes have yet to earn a starting job, that would seem to indicate that those guys are failing to master either their technique or their assignments. And those are aspects that players must work on on their own time.

I don't see how one can blame the coordinator.

(That would be like blaming the head basketball coach for a player missing wide open shots during the game. No one around here would ever do that.)
Just relentlessly refer to Texas as TU. That's what all those midwestern Big 12 schools do anyway. University of Oklahoma? OU. University of Kansas? KU. University of Missouri? MU. University of Colorado? CU.

Texas is TU. Tennessee is UT. Trust me, they hate it almost as much as they hate horns down.
Love it! One minor point. Someone informed me that tu should be lower case. 😂
Not sure if this is good or not, but it's new and it's the Vols. . .

He has us at 10-2 which seems reasonable. There are some good teams on our schedule and we don't know how teams like bammer and others will look this year under new coaches. I think we could be anywhere between 9-3 and 11-1. I have a hard time believing we beat ugger on the road with SEC officials no doubt playing the roll of the men's soccer refs. Give me a few hours into fall camp and I will be firmly in the 16-0 camp, but for now my BVS is flaring up a bit.
You could take AP's answer as "Will Brooks is the best we have and coaches suck at developing talent". Or, it could also mean that Brooks came in, worked his butt off, and is really progressing. I have no doubt that we have more physically gifted and naturally talented safeties on the roster but maybe Brooks is simply making better reads and doing fundamentals better right now.
Well... if they're all receiving the same position coaching, and the better/faster athletes have yet to earn a starting job, that would seem to indicate that those guys are failing to master either their technique or their assignments. And those are aspects that players must work on on their own time.

I don't see how one can blame the coordinator.

(That would be like blaming the head basketball coach for a player missing wide open shots during the game. No one around here would ever do that.)
I mean that's a terrible analogy. The best shooters in the world still miss a ton of shots. Coaches are not responsible for players understanding their technique OR their assignments. Makes you wonder what position coaches exist for at that point. Motivational speeches?

A no name walk on taking a starting spot from a bunch of more athletic, highly touted players is obviously an indictment on the coaches. Obviously. Unless Will Brooks has been juicing like Tropicana and is about to be the walk on story of the decade. Or, far more likely, AP is being facetious.
You could take AP's answer as "Will Brooks is the best we have and coaches suck at developing talent". Or, it could also mean that Brooks came in, worked his butt off, and is really progressing. I have no doubt that we have more physically gifted and naturally talented safeties on the roster but maybe Brooks is simply making better reads and doing fundamentals better right now.
The reliable and less talented player is certainly the Willie Martinez special. Unfortunately it usually leads to not very good players getting consistently cooked for entire seasons.

See: Jalen McCullough and Trevon Flowers
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