Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Awesome...I hope you have a blast...I wish I wasn't a low middle class working stiff..I will have to work into my late 60s if possible...but I'm thankful I've gotten to do and see as much as I have...most people with my means do not.

I’m 48 so I have a few years left to punch the time clock
Awesome...I hope you have a blast...I wish I wasn't a low middle class working stiff..I will have to work into my late 60s if possible...but I'm thankful I've gotten to do and see as much as I have...most people with my means do not.
Yep, there with you. Late 60s appears to be my plot as well for retirement. Partly, that is to have the funds to travel, my favorite thing to do in the world. Give me an 'experience' vacation any day. I want to walk through all history in Europe.
For sure hit Valley of Fire State Park on the way to Zion, and you should take the time to drive Utah Hwy 12 through Grand staircase-Escalante National Monument from Bryce to Capitol Reef...if you're welcome...many people say it the most beautiful drive in the country...I don't know if it is THE most, but it is for sure top 3 for me.

Make sure and check with ZNP to make sure you don't need a entry reservation for your dates....and the sites at all the places you are going are all pretty familiar to just have to decide what your group can do as far as hiking and how much time you can allow.

There are tons of great itinerary vids for all those places on YouTube that could help you narrow down.

What is going to suck is finding out about the millions of awesome things to do and see that are not in the National Parks that will be all around you in Kanab and not having time to do could spend months exploring that area and not scratch the surface.

Research Valley of Fire State Park and have a itinerary ready for your "The Fire Wave" hike for sure. It is as spectacular as a National Park.

Seriously. This is great advice. That’s what I’ve seen from looking around on maps. Just so many random arches, formations, etc. within an hour or two of Kanab. If I can see a few natural arches, I won’t be sad to not make it to Arches NP.
You went to Venezuela? Your brave. Lol My wife is Venezuelan and no way in heck I would go to Venezuela right now. It's dangerous especially for Americans.We don't even visit my mother-n-law and brother-n-law who live in Venezuela.
Yep, I felt safe in 1992 visiting. Now? Not a chance. That country has really taken a terrible turn.
So I've imagined from photos. I'll be in good hands. My wife and MiL have been before. She's Venezuelan and it's a mere shadow off the coast from where she grew up...but SUCH a different language.

Love the words there...DANKE...DUSHI 😅
My wife is Venezuelan too but she is from Maturin in the state of Monagas.
Yep, I felt safe in 1992 visiting. Now? Not a chance. That country has really taken a terrible turn.
yea 1992 was safe back then. Now it's horrible. Venezuela was the richest country in Latin America and now is pretty much the poorest. It's a shame what first Hugo Chavez and now Maduro has done to the country. No way I would go right now or recommend any American go right now.
I dont think some realize just how far having James Pearce tabbed as the #1 pick in this upcoming draft will go towards helping us with these types of defensive prospects.We have always had good coaches that will and have put guys in the league.Unfortunately now n days these kids live in the moment and at the moment our defensive stud is set to be the #1 pick in the NFL draft.JMO but im not sure we are in with certain guys esp defensively if not for that extra little boost our guy Pearce gives us..Jmo
What team have you been watching for the last 20 years to say we've always had good coaches. Tennessee hasn't had a db coach worth a dime in my life time.
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I had the same Jamaica experience. Resort was OK (not great, but that's not the country's fault), but wow the instant I left the resort I regretted it and never did it again. Went back on a cruise and hated it it equally as much.

There are plenty of beautiful islands in the Caribbean. I'd rather go to one where it's nice off the resort.
I hate that happened for you and your family. It seems I can’t say anything about your family’s experience, wished you would have found someone that would have guided you better. They thrive on tourism. If you or anyone ventured out, you’d see why. If you ever go back, listen to your hotel staff. No, just get to know them and ask them questions. They’ll help. Sorry for interjecting. But I do know. Give it another chance, if you find yourself there again. It’s my second home.

So is Louisiana, Mississippi (graduated HS there) and of course the greatest state I landed in…. Tennessee
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