Recruiting Football Talk VII

History buff here, the last time I was out of the country was January 2020 flew to Puerto Rico. Covid 🤷🏼‍♂️ who knew.
Anyway, it was a mission trip and we were in a medium size town and at night I would walk the streets in the old part of town. Looking at buildings that were still being lived in that had been built before there was a United States.
Same thing in 2009 in Belize, the Mayan ruins were unbelievable.
I‘m after the wife to head out west to see our history. If successful I’ll be asking for tips.
July 4, 2009
A normal Independence Day became anything but in July 4, 2009, when word emerged that former NFL quarterback Steve McNair had been murdered.

The news was shocking, the circumstances mysterious. McNair was shot four times. Police ultimately determined that his 20-year-old girlfriend, Jenny Kazemi, killed him before committing suicide.

Kazemi had purchased a gun the night before the killing. There were, and in some circles still are, questions about whether she actually pulled the trigger, on McNair or on herself. One of the most persuasive arguments we heard at the time was that McNair was shot execution style, with two shots in the head and two in the chest. It always seemed like something a 20-year-old who never before owned a gun would have a hard time accomplishing.

Regardless of the official conclusion or the unofficial suspicions that still linger, McNair’s life ended at a young age in a violent and shocking way on this day, 15 years ago.


I ended up going to the appartment complex with some friends of his when word of his death came out. That was a surreal day.............

RIP to a legend.
July 4, 2009
A normal Independence Day became anything but in July 4, 2009, when word emerged that former NFL quarterback Steve McNair had been murdered.

The news was shocking, the circumstances mysterious. McNair was shot four times. Police ultimately determined that his 20-year-old girlfriend, Jenny Kazemi, killed him before committing suicide.

Kazemi had purchased a gun the night before the killing. There were, and in some circles still are, questions about whether she actually pulled the trigger, on McNair or on herself. One of the most persuasive arguments we heard at the time was that McNair was shot execution style, with two shots in the head and two in the chest. It always seemed like something a 20-year-old who never before owned a gun would have a hard time accomplishing.

Regardless of the official conclusion or the unofficial suspicions that still linger, McNair’s life ended at a young age in a violent and shocking way on this day, 15 years ago.

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I ended up going to the appartment complex with some friends of his when word of his death came out. That was a surreal day.............

RIP to a legend.
My favorite Titan and yes a true legend 🙌
What do you know about continuation pay for ARNG? I just entered my 8th year, but saw that changes are coming to the eligibility window in January.
I do not know much. I am in my 27th year and focusing on preparing for retirement. Partly because of all the changes and my civilian job becoming a bigger requirement on my time. All I know about continuation pay is that is basically a bonus offered to folks in the middle years of a 20 year career to try and entice people to remain in the service. It can be a good thing. I was not eligible for it. I am on the old retirement pension program. It can be a good thing, but it can impact your overall tax situation so consider that when deciding on the lump sum or installment option. I have not heard about changes, but the DFAS website is usually a pretty decent resource for learning about stuff like that. Sorry I couldn't be more help.
When my son and daughter from a different mother gave birth to my grandson, the other grandmother told me straight up she was mammaw. That was fine for me because I couldn’t stand my mammaw (don’t judge me, I have a lot reasons). I said that’s fine, he’ll pick my name for him. My son chose gitty for my ex hubby’s mom’s name and it stuck. There wasn’t a better woman on this earth than her. Fast forward, my grandson (he’s about to turn 3) has my son to call me every day or so to tell about his day. He’s had his dad call me twice today to tell me he’s excited about Shark Week (another story for a different day) and to tell me about the fireworks his parents set off him. You know what, I’m Gammie, and I absolutely love it. 😍
July 4, 1826
Two Founding father die on the same day........50 years after the Declaration of Independence.

John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died on the same day, July 4, 1826. Both were old men—Adams was 90, and Jefferson was 83—and both were ill, though Adams had been in comparatively robust health until just a few months earlier and Jefferson had been ill for an extended period. They had been rivals, indeed enemies, for some time; Jefferson had defeated Adams in the presidential election of 1800. But they had repaired their differences and had pursued an active correspondence with each other in the years before their deaths. On that final day, the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, Adams died at his home in Quincy, Massachusetts, and Jefferson died at his home in Monticello, Virginia.

Paul Wade (the new coach) uses APB a lot so I’d assume Kolbe Harmon (Duke commit) will play there now with TT Hill (3 star).

But even then you got Neo Clifton (just committed to MTSU), KeSean Bowman (finally eligible and has Tennessee offer) returning

Lost Shavar Young Jr but brought in two transfers:

2026 6’4 WR Khalil Ferguson

2027 slot WR Eli Ferguson (multiple P4 offers)
BA will be fun to watch this year...............As will my Alma Mater (BGA)

good young QB. WR with a doz offers and two HUGE 6' 6" 300 sophs on the OL (one with a UGA offer)

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