Recruiting Football Talk VII

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I hate that happened for you and your family. It seems I can’t say anything about your family’s experience, wished you would have found someone that would have guided you better. They thrive on tourism. If you or anyone ventured out, you’d see why. If you ever go back, listen to your hotel staff. No, just get to know them and ask them questions. They’ll help. Sorry for interjecting. But I do know. Give it another chance, if you find yourself there again. It’s my second home.

So is Louisiana, Mississippi (graduated HS there) and of course the greatest state I landed in…. Tennessee
The staff said "whatever you do, don't leave the resort it's awful out there!" haha. I didn't listen.

I'm sure there are good parts, like everywhere there's good and bad. But the insane level of aggressive salespeople (including pimps selling women) was unlike anywhere I've been in the world. I couldn't take 10 steps without being aggressively accosted by someone trying to get money. You expect some level of that in poorer tourist countries, but Jamaica was on another level from all the others I've been to.
July 4, 2009
A normal Independence Day became anything but in July 4, 2009, when word emerged that former NFL quarterback Steve McNair had been murdered.

The news was shocking, the circumstances mysterious. McNair was shot four times. Police ultimately determined that his 20-year-old girlfriend, Jenny Kazemi, killed him before committing suicide.

Kazemi had purchased a gun the night before the killing. There were, and in some circles still are, questions about whether she actually pulled the trigger, on McNair or on herself. One of the most persuasive arguments we heard at the time was that McNair was shot execution style, with two shots in the head and two in the chest. It always seemed like something a 20-year-old who never before owned a gun would have a hard time accomplishing.

Regardless of the official conclusion or the unofficial suspicions that still linger, McNair’s life ended at a young age in a violent and shocking way on this day, 15 years ago.

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I ended up going to the appartment complex with some friends of his when word of his death came out. That was a surreal day.............

RIP to a legend.
I was 15 when he was killed. It absolutely crushed me, he was my childhood hero. RIP Steve.
July 4, 1826
Two Founding father die on the same day........50 years after the Declaration of Independence.

John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died on the same day, July 4, 1826. Both were old men—Adams was 90, and Jefferson was 83—and both were ill, though Adams had been in comparatively robust health until just a few months earlier and Jefferson had been ill for an extended period. They had been rivals, indeed enemies, for some time; Jefferson had defeated Adams in the presidential election of 1800. But they had repaired their differences and had pursued an active correspondence with each other in the years before their deaths. On that final day, the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, Adams died at his home in Quincy, Massachusetts, and Jefferson died at his home in Monticello, Virginia.

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The only other President to die on July 4th was James Monroe, our 5th President. He died in 1831.

Did you know that the 50-star U.S. flag was debuted for the first time on July 4th, 1960? Hawaii had been admitted to the Union in August 1959, but the Flag Act of 1818 states that new stars can only be added to the flag on July 4th.
I love stuff like that............Thanks
The only other President to die on July 4th was James Monroe, our 5th President. He died in 1831.
And another president, Calvin Coolidge, was BORN on the 4th. Everyone should read his 1926 address on Independence Day. Here's some of it:

"About the Declaration there is a finality that is exceedingly restful. It is often asserted that the world has made a great deal of progress since 1776, that we have had new thoughts and new experiences which have given us a great advance over the people of that day, and that we may therefore very well discard their conclusions for something more modern. But that reasoning can not be applied to this great charter. If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance, no progress can be made beyond these propositions. If anyone wishes to deny their truth or their soundness, the only direction in which he can proceed historically is not forward, but backward toward the time when there was no equality, no rights of the individual, no rule of the people. Those who wish to proceed in that direction can not lay claim to progress. They are reactionary. Their ideas are not more modern, but more ancient, than those of the Revolutionary fathers."

July 4, 2009
A normal Independence Day became anything but in July 4, 2009, when word emerged that former NFL quarterback Steve McNair had been murdered.

The news was shocking, the circumstances mysterious. McNair was shot four times. Police ultimately determined that his 20-year-old girlfriend, Jenny Kazemi, killed him before committing suicide.

Kazemi had purchased a gun the night before the killing. There were, and in some circles still are, questions about whether she actually pulled the trigger, on McNair or on herself. One of the most persuasive arguments we heard at the time was that McNair was shot execution style, with two shots in the head and two in the chest. It always seemed like something a 20-year-old who never before owned a gun would have a hard time accomplishing.

Regardless of the official conclusion or the unofficial suspicions that still linger, McNair’s life ended at a young age in a violent and shocking way on this day, 15 years ago.

View attachment 656271

I ended up going to the appartment complex with some friends of his when word of his death came out. That was a surreal day.............

RIP to a legend.
RIP Mac 9

I still wear his jersey every 4th

Happy Fourth

July 4, 2024: When you are at an intersection of life and do not know how to proceed, you must quiet your soul and seek divine direction. You need wisdom before you launch out for the sake of moving forward. You do not have all of the facts necessary to make an informed decision. Wait until you have more information, says the Lord. Psalm 27:14 Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord!
The staff said "whatever you do, don't leave the resort it's awful out there!" haha. I didn't listen.

I'm sure there are good parts, like everywhere there's good and bad. But the insane level of aggressive salespeople (including pimps selling women) was unlike anywhere I've been in the world. I couldn't take 10 steps without being aggressively accosted by someone trying to get money. You expect some level of that in poorer tourist countries, but Jamaica was on another level from all the others I've been to.
Went to Jamaica with some friends when I was a lot younger. We went off resort and were immediately propositioned with weed and a variety of other things. One of my friends asked to smell the weed and then began to tell them how bad it smelled and that their weed was probably weak compared to US weed. I was like, "Dude. Don't insult the man's weed. He loves his weed. He is proud of his weed. A simple no thanks and let's head back to the resort before you get us killed would suffice." 😆
Went to Jamaica with some friends when I was a lot younger. We went off resort and were immediately propositioned with weed and a variety of other things. One of my friends asked to smell the weed and then began to tell them how bad it smelled and that their weed was probably weak compared to US weed. I was like, "Dude. Don't insult the man's weed. He loves his weed. He is proud of his weed. A simple no thanks and let's head back to the resort before you get us killed would suffice." 😆
BA will be fun to watch this year...............As will my Alma Mater (BGA)

good young QB. WR with a doz offers and two HUGE 6' 6" 300 sophs on the OL (one with a UGA offer)
Will be good to see some good BGA ball. Around the corner from me so looking forward to seeing them this fall
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