Recruiting Football Talk VII

Have you been to phipps bend? We were walking to it one night, and I came across a 10ft spider web with a 1ft spider in the middle of it. I was paralyzed for at least 30 seconds. It was blue and yellow and black.

Great place to stargaze though, once you get through the man eating spiders.
Did it look like this?
Invasive species, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission.
Have you been to phipps bend? We were walking to it one night, and I came across a 10ft spider web with a 1ft spider in the middle of it. I was paralyzed for at least 30 seconds. It was blue and yellow and black.

Great place to stargaze though, once you get through the man eating spiders.
And now we know why they canceled the project!

Lack of demand growth...right.:rolleyes:
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I went to donate blond this morning.............I'm really tired...............

donate BLOOD..............sorry. Type O
EVs will ultimately cost less than ICE cars and self driving tech will become as meh as getting driving instructions from your phone. It'll also be quite some time before anyone is forced to give up their ICE. Worry less. Embrace when it suits you. Or not at all.
I don't hate EVs, I would like to have a EV for local, they are f'n useless for travel and camping and enjoying the FREEDOM of driving beautiful curvy country roads...I hate being forced to EV..
GSD just put her favorite ball in the front left corner of the front yard. Wifey says she is baiting a dog to try to take it. 😂 Which would be a big mistake. But I take my dog-daughter's side, of course, and claim that she is playing at being a surveyor.

Wifey is right, of course. 😂
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I don't hate EVs, I would like to have a EV for local, they are f'n useless for travel and camping and enjoying the FREEDOM of driving beautiful curvy country roads...I hate being forced to EV..
Right, as they are now. When there is a 1000 mile range and rapid charging, it'll be fine.

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