Recruiting Football Talk VII

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she is a bit out there for my tastes

Not one man on this site would turn Alyssa Milano down if they were single, especially in her prime. You learn to deal with "the crazy" when they are that hot.

That said....Shakira will be heartbroken to find out that Adria Arjona recently edged her out, just barely, for my #1 hottest celebrity and overall beautiful woman other than my wife. Hitman on Netflix is worth the watch just to see her being sexy. She was also smoking hot in True Detective Season 2 as the "girlfriend" of the gay motorcycle trooper. Chef's kiss



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Did you just say you would have CP “run routes”? Ok.

I’m still taking Kamara.

Dynamic tailback, incredibly gifted runner.
Can run routes out of the backfield.
Could run routes out of the slot.

Easier to consistently get the ball in his hands.

But hell, why not just put both of em out there in Heup’s offense? 🤷‍♀️

Agreed on "why not both" but Patterson would be a nightmare in our stack formation with wide splits. Read the DB and adjust short of blow by him.

Also, even with his route running deficiencies....I have faith that Heupel and Pope would have been able to use him. Already mentioned the stacked, wide split opportunities but shovel passes, running out of the backfield and settling in a hole between or behind the linebackers or lining up in the slot and blowing by LBs and safeties, running slants or settling in all the open space our scheme/tempo create would not have been too much for Patterson. He would have broken records in this offense.
Start calling you Baby Gherkin. long as it gets pickled then I don't care. Do you think Vlasic having a stork as a symbol of their brand is a coincidence?

Now, if you tell me that freshly pickled Baby Gherkins are a staple of Yeti diets then I'm out of here and nice knowing you!

This reminds me of the Family Guy episode where the guy with the ghost wife pickles the cucumbers that Quagmire puts where she supposedly sits on the couch is hilarious.
Where did you see that they settled it? Who settled?
Thanks for the fact check. I thought they had because it basically went away, not heard anything since, and not sure settlements are public? Anyways, from what I found appears its ongoing a year and a half later for some wonky reason about lawmakers being in session or something. I’m fully expecting settlements to be made so long as those settlements don’t indicate direct responsibility by smart or his employees.
I know @Ulysees E. McGill will appreciate this. My 12 year old daughter has REALLY gotten into reading recently. Started her on some YA fantasy and quickly moved on to Wheel Of Time, Robin Hobb's series Realm Of The Elderlings, Drizzt novels, etc.

She is reading a book about every 4 days and can't get enough. Mistborn, Storm light Archive, John Gwynne's multiple Blasted Lands book series, The Gentleman Bastards, Black Company, Enders Game and the Logen Nine Fingers books are up next......I'm waiting for GRRM's lazy ass to finish ASOIAF (if he ever does) to start her on that.

I'm thinking Malazan might be too much until she gets some more adult series and maybe a couple more years under her belt. She is my twin in personality (yikes!) but I couldn't love her more or be happier to share my love of reading with her.
That's awesome! I just started book two of the Black Company series. So its worth the time to finish it? I'm liking the second one better than the first.
July 11, 1804

Burr/Hamilton duel @
a local Waffle House ;)

Historians are still arguing over the events in Weehawken, New Jersey, on July 11, 1804. The men became bitter enemies over political and personal issues, but a lot is still in dispute over the duel itself--and why it had to happen.

Here are some points to remember as you draw your own conclusions.

1. The men were involved in New York politics

Hamilton was already a force in New York state politics when Burr came along. The men became rivals when Burr ran for the U.S. Senate against Hamilton’s father-in-law, Philip Schuyler in 1791. Burr won the election in the New York state legislature. Burr then became a player in the Democratic-Republican Party in New York, while Hamilton was a top rival Federalist Party leader.

2. The controversial election of 1800

The election of 1800 was one of the first early national elections with political parties, but in a twist of fate, running mates Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr tied in the Electoral College voting (someone forgot to cast one less vote for Burr) under the Constitution's original provision for electing presidents. Hamilton then worked behind-the-scenes to defeat Burr in the House runoff election, after Burr decided he didn’t want to play second fiddle to Jefferson.

3. Hamilton helped make Burr a political exile

After the 1800 election, Hamilton didn’t let the feud with Burr drop. Jefferson also ignored Burr as his vice president, and he made it clear that under new election rules, there was no way Burr was going on the 1804 ticket. Hamilton then worked to defeat Burr’s attempt to become governor of New York. Burr was effectively out of political power, even though he was the vice president of the United States.

4. The duel that historians still debate

The final straw for Burr was the publication of a letter in a newspaper that said Hamilton demeaned Burr’s character. Burr demanded Hamilton apologize for the insults or explain them. Hamilton stayed quiet, so Burr demanded a duel.

Duels were common, and both men had experience with them. In 1799, Burr dueled against Hamilton’s brother-in-law, John Church. This time, Burr and Hamilton met on the same Weehawken spot where Hamilton’s son died in an 1801 duel.

In some accounts, Hamilton shot first and missed, followed by Burr’s deadly shot. One theory, stated in a 1976 Smithsonian magazine article, is that Hamilton’s pistol had a hair trigger that let him get off the first shot. But Burr claimed in his autobiography that he supplied the pistols and not Hamilton. And yet another report stated each man brought their own weapons. To this today, there is no real consensus on the sequence of events at the dueling site.

Hamilton died 36 hours after the duel from his wounds. Vice President Burr was indicted but not arrested. In 1807, Burr was accused of treason in a separate incident, but he was acquitted in a trial presided over by Chief Justice John Marshall. He quietly worked as a lawyer in New York in his later years.

The controversy over the duel, however, hasn't quieted down since 1804.

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The Burr treason part of that story is wild. Dude tried to create his own country in parts of Texas and the Louisiana territory. Even had the commanding General of the US on his side at one point. Ropes in the British as well.
In this situation, am I supposed to be Bob(the guy interviewing) or the old crazy guy? I’m fine with either one. It worked out really well for the crazy guy in the end, and Bob learned a lot about the value of making employees happy.
We are currently bringing a lot of automation to our manufacturing facility and will be leveraging AI to help with forecasting and predictive planning. I know we joke a lot on here and Skynet but in reality if you don't embrace the AI revolution it will leave you behind.

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