Recruiting Football Talk VII

Not open for further replies. long as it gets pickled then I don't care. Do you think Vlasic having a stork as a symbol of their brand is a coincidence?

Now, if you tell me that freshly pickled Baby Gherkins are a staple of Yeti diets then I'm out of here and nice knowing you!

This reminds me of the Family Guy episode where the guy with the ghost wife pickles the cucumbers that Quagmire puts where she supposedly sits on the couch is hilarious.
I hate pickles.
We are currently bringing a lot of automation to our manufacturing facility and will be leveraging AI to help with forecasting and predictive planning. I know we joke a lot on here and Skynet but in reality if you don't embrace the AI revolution it will leave you behind.

You will be embraced in a spine crushing Terminator bear hug after Sally has them track you down.

Y'all aren't taking this serious enough. James Cameron is a damn mystic that foresaw the rise of AI.
He has us at 10-2 which seems reasonable. There are some good teams on our schedule and we don't know how teams like bammer and others will look this year under new coaches. I think we could be anywhere between 9-3 and 11-1. I have a hard time believing we beat ugger on the road with SEC officials no doubt playing the roll of the men's soccer refs. Give me a few hours into fall camp and I will be firmly in the 16-0 camp, but for now my BVS is flaring up a bit.
What’s this bvs that you speak of? Here in texas, there’s now bls. L is for longhorn. They are about to understand being the laughing stock with expectations constantly being smashed into cow dung (appropriately hilarious)

Meanwhile the media has backed tu to win the SEC. The picked the wrong team to back.

UT is going to have an exciting roller coaster of a season with some close games that end in narrow margins of victory for the Volunteers. There will be some avalanche of Big Orange TDs in games that were supposed to be close but they are not. It will eerily resemble the baseball season, but without the series loss to bama. The media will of course play up every opponent week by week only to find that the opponent story ends in a tragic loss to the best team that day; the team clad in Big Orange!

Rest easy my friend:

16-0 🤠

Is on the way!

That list that got posted was obviously compiled by a bunch of 20-30 year olds that have absolutely no grasp whatsoever of TV history.
I get the gist of what you're saying, and I respect a lot of old tv shows. I watch Twilight Zone almost every night. But none of them even come close to the amount of detail that went into Breaking Bad. I mean, let's just start at a very basic level. in the pilot, Walt is told by his doctor that he has 2 years to live. The finale when he dies takes place exactly 2 years after that date. The show has 62 episodes. The 62nd element on the periodic table is Samarium which is used in the treatment of lung cancer, which the main character has. In a one second cutaway scene, they show a gun pointing towards a "Lilly of the valley" plant. That plant is used to poison someone later on. All of this is intentional and is only just the tipping point. I mean, the colors that were worn by the main characters were all intentionally chosen based on their personalities and changed as they went through various changes. EVERY SINGLE THING in Breaking Bad had meaning (except for Marie shoplifting, that still puzzles me), and no show has ever come close. It's one of the greatest stories ever told. I legitimately put it up there with the Odyssey and the Lord of the Rings in terms of influence and cultural impact
Down with Disco!

July 12, 1979

On this day in 1979, a fun MLB promotional event quickly devolved into the most infamous and controversial event in disco history.

In the late 70s, dance-oriented disco was one of the most popular musical genres in the United States. Seminal films such as Saturday Night Fever and Disco Godfather greatly influenced the music scene, while artists like the Bee Gees, ABBA, KC and the Sunshine Band, and Donna Summer became repeated record plays for many.

While disco provided a fun, novel outlet and style of dress to many people, it sparked major backlash from fans of rock music. Critics at the time often feared that the rise of the disco would quickly lead to a decay in rock after disco topped the charts.

When Chicago's WDAI-FM switched from rock to disco and DJ Steve Dahl got fired in 1978, the moves sparked a paradigm shift. Quickly hired at rival Chicago rock station WLUP and playing off the publicity surrounding his firing, Dahl created a mock organization called “Insane Coho Lips” consisting of his group of anti-disco listeners.

After the Tigers-White Sox game at Comiskey Park was rained out and rescheduled as a two-night doubleheader on July 12th, 1979, Sox owner Bill Veeck and his son, appointed promotions director Mike Veeck, had bounced ideas about what the low-attendance season would see for fans.

While the Sox hosted a “Disco Night” two years prior, the idea of hosting an anti-disco promotion struck interest. Partnering with Dahl and his team at WLUP, “Disco Demolition Night” was promoted far and wide across Illinois, promoting to fans that anyone who brought a disco record to the ballpark would be admitted for 98 cents to watch the albums get blown up in-between the doubleheader games.

After weeks of promotion, the baseball team, Dahl, and the radio station weren’t prepared for what transpired that night on the baseball field. The doubleheader ended up selling out a capacity of 50,000 people, leaving 20,000 disco-hating fans outside the ballpark, who later stampeded the entrance.

Boxes of disco records were overflowing, encouraging fans to bring their records to their seats. The first game was stopped several times after fans threw records, firecrackers, empty bottles, and lighters onto the field, while the stands were decorated with thousands of “Disco Sucks” banners and marijuana smoke.

After the loss of the first game, Dahl took to the field to commence the explosion and kill off the many disco albums that were brought as sacrifice. Setting off the explosives, a large hole was torn in the field as remnants of thousands of disco records billowed into the air.

The event then took a turn for the worst, as 5,000 to 7,000 fans rushed onto the field, inciting a mass riot. Some climbed the giant foul poles, the batting cage was destroyed, bases were stolen, and a huge bonfire raged on the field. Chicago police arrived onsite with full riot gear, dispersing the unruly fans and arresting 39 people for disorderly conduct.

With the field completely destroyed, the White Sox were forced to forfeit to the Tigers. The days and weeks that followed included harsh news headlines and public criticism of the event. It was said that the debacle triggered a nationwide expression of anger towards disco music and its fan following. The popularity of disco music declined significantly in the years after the incident, with record companies beginning to label new albums as “dance music."

Today, the event is known as one of the most outlandish and controversial sport and entertainment events in history. While many deem the event to be motivated by racism towards African Americans and the LGBTQ community, Dahl has denied such claims and simply stated that it was a way to prioritize the rock musicians and the genre in American culture.


It is amazing, but I don't think they realized how much it sucked under Pretty Holly.
I hate to base all of my speculation on just one video. But traipsing in to the complex after a morning yog, spritz, and stretch. Lights on, cameras rolling...steps out of the Mer...

'We work hard...WE have been on the road recruiting for days...I mean, I even stopped in for a few minutes one day, but had an obligation, had to get back.'

'Yeah kid's work really hard. And that starts in the gym.' I'll take you down there in a min...hold on, lemme get this, my daughter.

She's remodeling her bathroom.'
Good morning. I do not post often but I am on vacation this week and took a minute to nerd out on something. I pulled the number of blue-chip recruits by state and assigned the following values.

5 star = 5 points
.95 or higher 4 star = 4.5 points
.9499 or lower 4 star = 4 points

I was shocked to see how far California has dropped off. Social factors must play a role because the state has the largest population and a huge talent pool with favorable climate. Tennessee continues to rise up the list and I could easily see it jumping into the top 5 in the next decade. Louisiana and the Carolina's were the most disappointing for me as they have a reputation for being recruiting hotbeds. New Jersey and Kansas were surprising to the positive.

Easy to see why Michigan and Nebraska have the budget they have. They need it.

Texas, Florida, and Georgia are far and away the best. Considering there is a lot of competition for those recruits in Texas and Florida, it is easy to see why Georgia is such a top job.
Happy Friday

July 12, 2024: If you set your mind to it, you can find viable solutions to nagging problems. You will be amazed at how simple it really is, and you can put it behind you. No more fussing and fuming about things that have very little significance in the long run. Quiet your soul and be sensitive to receiving My wisdom and direction, says the Lord. 2 Corinthians 1:12 For our boasting is this; the testimony of our conscience that we conducted ourselves in the world in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom but by the grace of God, and more abundantly toward you.
Also, gnats and mosquitos are on steroids down here. Just an FYI, in case anyone is ever going to south Georgia 😅
We go to the Apalachicola, FL area two times every year and just opening the truck door to hop in and out at the gas station in Bainbridge, GA on the trip down results in several gnats getting in. They are ridiculously thick in south GA. Hate em.
We are currently bringing a lot of automation to our manufacturing facility and will be leveraging AI to help with forecasting and predictive planning. I know we joke a lot on here and Skynet but in reality if you don't embrace the AI revolution it will leave you behind.

I met with a prospective student and her father this week and AI and its impact on teachers and education was their main question. I have incorporated a unit into my classes and its implications for education are exciting, but it's definitely something we're still figuring out how to use it best.
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