Recruiting Football Talk VII

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I don't see how. GPA varies widely from school-to-school and program-to-program. ACT/SAT are standardized. Grade inflation is endemic in education, meanwhile.

Universities are transitioning away from the ACT/SAT because they need warm bodies to admit thanks to the coming enrollment cliff and the broader threats to higher education stability.
Exactly. A standardized test looks at a single point in time, GPA is a picture of entire academic performance over an extended period. A student could study their ass off, pay for ACT prep classes, etc. and crush it, but still be a terrible student and woefully unprepared. I've seen it time and time again. Some schools do still put a lot of weight on those test and some research shows, particularly in the Ivy League, that those test can serve as predictors of success, but in many of those cases those students also have a high GPA to accompany those high test cores, so which is it? Most schools will like always use them, but not put as much weight on them and move to a more holistic admissions process. Anyway, not wanting to argue just offering my perspective since it's my area.
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Copenhagen > Skoal Straight > Grizzly > Pouches

then no more.
Never got into dipping. My dad was a tobacco fiend. Pipes, cigarettes, cigars, chew (Beechnut). He would quit for a while, but always go back. Now he limits himself to a cigar every now and then. Just rolled over 82 on his odometer last Saturday and in pretty good shape. His mom smoked like a chimney into her 60s and quit cold turkey. Lived to 94. Pretty good genes, so hopeful I've got some of them.
My Grandad used to call it 'carrying the family to the moving picture show'. LOL,
wife and I carried the kiddos to the moving picture show Sunday.

Matinee prices for 5 peeps, with three popcorns, and five drinks. $110..😂

It's nuts. My wife and I went last week. Almost $50 for the two of us. Nuts.
I quit dipping 12 years ago and I think about it all the time. I loved Red Seal fine cut wintergreen. I'll look over the cashier's shoulder and check the prices of tobacco sometimes. It's doubled in price, since I quit.

I don't smoke but Marlboros are $8 a pack! Unbelievable
I quit dipping 2 years ago and it's tough. I miss Copenhagen.
Never got into dipping. My dad was a tobacco fiend. Pipes, cigarettes, cigars, chew. He would quit for a while, but always go back. Now he limits himself to a cigar every now and then. Just rolled over 82 on his odometer last Saturday and in pretty good shape. His mom smoked like a chimney into her 60s and quit cold turkey. Lived to 94. Pretty good genes, so hopeful I've got some of them.
I quit when I was 19 for about 2 months after my dad died and then one Saturday I was going fishing and we stopped at a gas station that had Copenhagen original for .89 that was almost out of date and I bought a can for fishing.......... been doing it ever since. I actually started when I was 12, skoal bandits. Found Copenhagen when I was 16 because a buddy I played baseball with talked me in to trying it. He was right, it was so much better.
Your family is alot like mine, my pappaw used red man and bloodhound till he died at 86. My other pappaw used bugler tobacco and red man golden blend till he died at 79. Neither ever had any kind of health issues due to tobacco. I hope I got those same genes myself.
Now I’m going to have to grab some Chorizo breakfast burritos tomorrow.
Dude. We discovered Chorizopan in Panama. Tried it?

Bread baked around chorizo. Like a Hispanic pig in a blanket. SO GOOD.

We buy chorizo from the Mexican grocer here in Chattanooga. I'll broil the chorizo, wrap it in canned biscuit dough and bake it. Make some chimichurri and slather on it.... Da'yum!
@SoilVol i had a snake narrowly escape the lawnmower today. Black with a single vertical yellow (tint of orange maybe) stripe that didn't appear to go the full length of the body. It slithered away too fast to say for sure. Any idea which of your friends that was?
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Sausage is breakfast king. Bacon owns the other two a sidekick.

It's the Robin of meat.
Toast. Cereal.

BK without the heart attack. Pig is also not allowed by most religious people. Guess it's pretty good though no lie 😆😅🤣
I seriously doubt society as a whole will ever wish AI had never existed. The advancements we'll be able to make that would have take generations longer will be amazing once we figure out how to use AI properly.
Full-on AI will cure more people in 25 years than we have in the last 25,000 years.

Basic modeling, simulation, and training.
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The scary picture of "humans vs AI" is far more simplistic and binary than what will actually happen. Ultimately it won't be people fighting it, because we'll be blended with it. And it won't be older generations, for exactly the reasons you see on here every time the subject comes up, but younger generations will embrace it. Eventually you won't be able to get a white collar job without being augmented, because there will be 5 people waiting behind you who are. Adapt or dig ditches.

10...9...8... <countdown until McGill offers his unique brand of disagreement>
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