Recruiting Football Talk VII

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I grow an uncommon heirloom dent corn variety that's blue/purple. I've made corn meal out of it so it's fun to make beautifully purple grits, cornbread, and fried fish/chicken. Throws people for a loopšŸ¤£View attachment 658240
That's awesome, what's the name of the variety? I might have to grow some of that next spring. Showed my wife and she'd love to have some cornmeal.
Lots of family demands. Two new grandsons now. My wife is battling cancer. One son is at Columbus AFB doing flight training.

Work has had a series of challenges sort of like "whack a mole".

I teach and serve at my church. My wife and I are doing some mentoring through an Crisis Pregnancy ministry.

I've always gardened and now I've taken up reloading and shooting more (for fun and hunting).

I'm sure when we get closer to the season I'll make more time and become my old salty self. For a bit though... I've just had other priorities. Loved the baseball run though.
Hate to hear that about your wife. Many prayers going up for you and all your loved ones. Hopefully it can be treated and eradicated and she can live a happy and healthy life.
Honestly, I do too because its hard to tell my son not to do it when I'm doing it. Luckily he wants nothing to do with it right now and hopefully it stays that way. Your mom is pretty strong willed to quit smoking cold turkey, don't know if I could do it unless I had to.
She saw her dad die from emphysema. My dadā€™s mom is the one that smoked into her 60s and lived until 94. Both did quit cold turkey. Much stronger will than me. That nicotine is a demon.
But we are still paying the prices, thatā€™s what is crazy. I wonder when it will stop?
And we went to the ā€œdiscount showā€. It was the first one weā€™d been to in years. Itā€™s like any event. They have you over a barrel. We just got popcorn and two drinks. Will be be awhile before we go back. Just not that much I care to see.
Lots of family demands. Two new grandsons now. My wife is battling cancer. One son is at Columbus AFB doing flight training.

Work has had a series of challenges sort of like "whack a mole".

I teach and serve at my church. My wife and I are doing some mentoring through an Crisis Pregnancy ministry.

I've always gardened and now I've taken up reloading and shooting more (for fun and hunting).

I'm sure when we get closer to the season I'll make more time and become my old salty self. For a bit though... I've just had other priorities. Loved the baseball run though.
Prayers for you and your wife
But Bronny though......

I understand the whys and project of him for taking that many shots but heā€™s never been the same since his heart attack.

Even though I understand the whys my personal belief is Lebron wanted to be at the top of more stats with He and Bronny now have the scoring title as a Father Son duo.
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