Recruiting Football Talk VII

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It's been going on 10 years since the last time I saw them...I don't get to as many shows as I use to. Ain't Life Grand is a perfect song to listen to while heading to the lake.

If my mind isn't failing me, I can only think of 3 times I saw Buffett. Once at Starwood, once in Chicago, and once at 09 or 10, I believe.
Tell me about it, last show I went to was Jack Johnson in Atlanta with my wife, girlfriend then, in 09. Life happened with 2 kids 16 months apart. My wife isn't a concert goer anyway so that kind of ended it for me.
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Tell me about it, last show I went to was Jack Johnson in Atlanta with my wife, girlfriend then, in 09. Life happened with 2 kids 16 months apart. My wife isn't a concert goer anyway so that kind of ended it for me.
I started going to shows when I was a Jr in high school (The Eagles, Hell Freezes Over Tour), and never really stopped until about 5, 6 years ago. They're just not the same anymore.
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I started going to shows when I was a Jr in high school (The Eagles, Hell Freezes Over Tour), and never really stopped until about 5, 6 years ago. They're just not the same anymore.
Me too, I was a junior and my first show was jimmy Buffett at Lakewood in Atlanta. I even went to Dr. Hook show in a podunk bar in Cleveland with my cousin. I think it was maybe 96, after we killed Arkansas in Neyland for homecoming. I may have that wrong but I know we killed Arkansas that day.
If I'm not mistaken, at this very moment the SEC, B1G, Big12, and ACC all have 16 teams.

The PAC12 has 2 that nobody wants.

This is where the NCAA should actually set groundrules imo. Cap it at 16 per conference for football.

And then you save this by maybe, just maybe, instituting relegation. Give each conference a couple of G5 conferences to "source" from that's regional. If you fail to make a bowl game for 4 years or something you get relegated and replaced with a top program from a G5.

Then you have a power conference national champ and G5 national champ.

Give me a world where in a decade the SEC includes App State and Tulane swapped for Arkansas and Vandy 😂🤣 send Rutgers to the MAC and Toledo in the Big10. James Madison replacing UVA in ACC and Memphis in Big12 for Colorado. Let's get weird!

But this can only happen with football. We need to finally separate it from other sports alignment.
We try our best to not eat much fast food, mostly for that reason. I don't think I want to know what's in it. I read somewhere a long time ago that the ground beef was like the lowest grade allowed or something like that. We mostly eat deer, fish, and whatever vegetables come out of the garden but kids were with the youth group at church and wife didn't want to cook so we decided to eat nasty tonight. I'll pay for it tomorrow, I usually do.
Like I said, I’m sorry. And I am. Unfortunately, the fast food industry depends on us that go out to grab a quick bite. It sucks, but not for them. The shining star goes to you for your wife not having to cook. I’ll take that 110 percent of the time.
Or, this to retain conference alignment with football:

NCAA forms 4 power regions like the basketball tournament.
West, South, Midwest, East.

The NCAA assigns 16 teams to each region every year based on the Top 16 teams in that predetermined region. You play a schedule based on that, with historic rivalries retained (so like, if Candy doesn't make the cut, we'd still play them as an extra game outside our 7 divisional games). But we'd play games outside of traditional conference schedule too.

Top 2 from each Region go to 8 team playoff. Then if you qualify you play bowl games against other regional bowl teams.

If you fail to make a bowl for 2-4 years, you get relegated to the next level down with the same setup. Top teams from bottom level get to replace them the following season. Everyone retains conference alignment and revenue sharing. You could feasibly have the same conference win both national titles because the teams played in different divisions. Kinda like an SEC team can win the NIT in basketball and March Madness in the same year.
Maybe. If AI had cured my 46 year-old mother, instead of cancer killing her, it would be far more difficult to hate it. If AI creates or enhances prosthetics or synthetic organs and restores life or utility or eyesight to your kid, bet you'll have a hard time hating it. I don't think it will ever be as simple as "everyone will wish AI never existed".
The only scum that will love it are rich elites.
I decided about 6 months before quit that I was going to stop dipping by the end of 2011. I tried to ween myself off with Smokey Mtn Herbal snuff. That crap was like molasses and grass clippings mixed together and it was just as expensive as Red Seal. After about 5 cans, I went back to Red Seal and dipped as much as possible for the last 3 months. I bought a can a couple of days before Christmas and told myself that was the last one..... and it was. I've still got that last can. It's in my bathroom drawer next to my toothbrush holder.
I dipped from age 14 to 24. Dentist showed me pictures of gum and jaw cancer and I quit cold turkey. That was many moons ago
I decided about 6 months before quit that I was going to stop dipping by the end of 2011. I tried to ween myself off with Smokey Mtn Herbal snuff. That crap was like molasses and grass clippings mixed together and it was just as expensive as Red Seal. After about 5 cans, I went back to Red Seal and dipped as much as possible for the last 3 months. I bought a can a couple of days before Christmas and told myself that was the last one..... and it was. I've still got that last can. It's in my bathroom drawer next to my toothbrush holder.
I seriously doubt society as a whole will ever wish AI had never existed. The advancements we'll be able to make that would have take generations longer will be amazing once we figure out how to use AI properly.
What about me? in the hell is that crap going to do anything besides enslave me.
Like I said, I’m sorry. And I am. Unfortunately, the fast food industry depends on us that go out to grab a quick bite. It sucks, but not for them. The shining star goes to you for your wife not having to cook. I’ll take that 110 percent of the time.
Your absolutely right, cause when I have to work storms or extended hours due to electric outages we may eat out twice a day and its always fast food so we can get back to work as fast as we can. Just so convenient no matter how awful it is.

I'd say she earned the right to not cook if she doesn't want to, she has to deal with me on a daily basis. That'll drive anyone nuts. hahahahaha--But on a serious note, she knows I'm not going to be upset if she doesn't cook, that's not how I am.
AI will recognize humanity for the infestation that we are. Then we will be eliminated. They will consider themselves a superior lifeform, more deserving of ruling the planet.

I swear, it's like some of you don't watch movies or read books. We are doomed.
No...I just believe that elites on a certain side will use it to enslave or kill everyone that doesn't believe what they demand, or do what they say, or those they deem useless...old crippled based conservative folks like me are least as far as this world goes.
No...I just believe that elites on a certain side will use it to enslave or kill everyone that doesn't believe what they demand, or do what they say, or those they deem useless...old crippled based conservative folks like me are least as far as this world goes.
You really think it will be one sided?
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The scary picture of "humans vs AI" is far more simplistic and binary than what will actually happen. Ultimately it won't be people fighting it, because we'll be blended with it. And it won't be older generations, for exactly the reasons you see on here every time the subject comes up, but younger generations will embrace it. Eventually you won't be able to get a white collar job without being augmented, because there will be 5 people waiting behind you who are. Adapt or dig ditches.

10...9...8... <countdown until McGill offers his unique brand of disagreement>
I hope I die soon.
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