Recruiting Football Talk VII

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I don’t think UT would do two consecutive home games back to back weekends with dark mode and Smokey greys.

Miss St weekend is homecoming too. I doubt we wear anything but the orange and white or perhaps the orange on orange combo for that game.

I would predict that Kentucky is the dark mode game and the Kent St game will be the Smokey grays.
I agree with you and I didn't know MSU was Homecoming. They'll wear Orange for sure.

You're probably right about the KY and Kent St games. That'd be my picks too and both are supposed to be night games.
Well, the dumb mother ****ers who came up with this can live with their own stupidity.

I mean, if the answer to the question was. Did we really need a robotic sweet tea machine? Did we really need an automated lawn mower? Is driver less car driving, truly necessary? Does a damn robot really need to write my term paper for me?

Or am I (as a society) just too effing lazy?
I know. It’s like any new tech. Go back and read newspapers from around the invention of the automobile. I have great concerns about the implications of its use as people will always find nefarious uses for tech. I don’t need any of those things you mentioned. However, if AI can help cure my daughter’s diabetes, my wife’s Lupus, a friend’s or even stranger’s loved one of a terminal illness, then to me, I’ll say it’s worth it. The overall fact though is that it’s here and it’s not going anywhere. Will people abuse it? 💯. Will we see positive benefits from it? 💯. We could all be luddites, but that won’t change anything.
It is a tool, for now. People use all kinds of tools for both good and ill. I agree that AI has the capability of being used for horrible purposes. However, I also believe that it could be used for amazing good. The human brain is an incredible thing, but it is limited in its capabilities. Computers can perform much more complex functions many times faster than our brains can. We just have to be smart about it. We probably won't, but Pandora's box has already been opened and the toothpaste isn't going back in the tube without making a mess at this point.
Above highlighted basically states my point. At what point in human history have evil people not turned things that could be used for good into evil? Whether people want to admit it or not, and call me a conspiracy theorist, that’s ok, the people who are truly running the world have evil intentions.
I know. It’s like any new tech. Go back and read newspapers from around the invention of the automobile. I have great concerns about the implications of its use as people will always find nefarious uses for tech. I don’t need any of those things you mentioned. However, if AI can help cure my daughter’s diabetes, my wife’s Lupus, a friend’s or even stranger’s loved one of a terminal illness, then to me, I’ll say it’s worth it. The overall fact though is that it’s here and it’s not going anywhere. Will people abuse it? 💯. Will we see positive benefits from it? 💯. We could all be luddites, but that won’t change anything.
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We were in London on July 4th. Had multiple Brits congratulation us for the win. Then they immediately went on to say thanks for coming to the rescue in both WWI and especially WWII. 🤠

We toured Winston Churchill’s war bunker command center and he said that the war was won when he found out that Japan had bombed Pearl Harbor. He knew that was the biggest mistake that could have happened. 😎
Bucket list…..Love WWII history
Wait until AI solves the fusion power equation and we have nearly limitless low cost energy to power all these automations. We will really have time on our hands then. What will we do with it? I will spend more time on VN bantering with you morans.
I will be at the river trying to figure out smallmouth equation.
Well, the dumb mother ****ers who came up with this can live with their own stupidity.

I mean, if the answer to the question was. Did we really need a robotic sweet tea machine? Did we really need an automated lawn mower? Is driver less car driving, truly necessary? Does a damn robot really need to write my term paper for me?

Or am I (as a society) just too effing lazy?
Efficiency is always called laziness by the incumbents.
Wait until AI solves the fusion power equation and we have nearly limitless low cost energy to power all these automations. We will really have time on our hands then. What will we do with it? I will spend more time on VN bantering with you morans.
This is a rare logical and reasonable post from you.... Has AI gotten to you?
Well, the dumb mother ****ers who came up with this can live with their own stupidity.

I mean, if the answer to the question was. Did we really need a robotic sweet tea machine? Did we really need an automated lawn mower? Is driver less car driving, truly necessary? Does a damn robot really need to write my term paper for me?

Or am I (as a society) just too effing lazy?
Did we really need cell phones? Computers? Cars? Washing machines? Refrigeration?

Luddites unites!
In the end, I will be with Jesus and be all like...
View attachment 658382
See..I look forward to that with all my heart, it is more real to me than this cesspool world run by is what's coming before that, that I do not look forward to. I will do what I have to do, and proclaim what I believe louder than ever, and whatever happens to us...happens.

Just because I am resigned to it...doesn't mean I have to like it.
Happy Saturday

July 13, 2024: A spiritual portal is opening to reveal the path to achieving that which has been otherwise impossible. I will open an avenue of possibility that will serve your purpose and make your goal achievable. All you have to do is follow My leading and hold on to faith that I can do what you cannot. Be strong and resolute, says the Lord. Matthew 19:16 But Jesus looked at them and said to them: With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.
This is so refreshing because I start my new job next Weds and is definitely uplifting..No doubt I will excel in this new chapter of my life.🙏
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