Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Exactly. A standardized test looks at a single point in time, GPA is a picture of entire academic performance over an extended period. A student could study their ass off, pay for ACT prep classes, etc. and crush it, but still be a terrible student and woefully unprepared. I've seen it time and time again. Some schools do still put a lot of weight on those test and some research shows, particularly in the Ivy League, that those test can serve as predictors of success, but in many of those cases those students also have a high GPA to accompany those high test cores, so which is it? Most schools will like always use them, but not put as much weight on them and move to a more holistic admissions process. Anyway, not wanting to argue just offering my perspective since it's my area.
I’m not looking at it as an argument; I enjoy the discussion. It is my area as well. I’m just saying, if you have 2 students, A and B, and student A has a 4.0 and student B has a 3.3, but A went to one of the worst-performing schools in the state in terms of educational quality and took no AP classes and B went to one of the most rigorous schools in the state and took quite a LOT of AP classes, the GPA masks all that. 4.0 > 3.3. Standardized tests are an attempt to, well, standardize, and that serves an important purpose.

My university dropped the SAT/ACT requirements during COVID and, speaking for myself, there have been concerns with the quality of student admitted as reflected on various assessments.
Re: Ben Joyce. This is insane.

That's one of the best examples I've seen of using video to display information succinctly but accurately.

I'm a long-time fan of Edward Tufte, whose investigation into why the Challenger disaster happened despite engineers providing accurate data to mission control, led him to write a series of books on accurate and effective visual presentation of data.

The point that seems to be continually missed is that AI will bring hyperintelligence to everyone, not just elites. Unlike nuclear weapons, or other forms of big tech, this won't be limited to big money or big tech, any more than software is limited today. The computational requirements will be somewhat limiting for the near future, but eventually computational power will have grown exponentially and should no longer be a limiting factor for those of more meager circumstance.

I worry far less about totalitarian powers and far more about small scale extremists. Of course one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter, so it's all perspective. If it's a small scale group you support, that'll be a good thing.

In the end, either the peace of God rules in your heart, or it doesn't. I choose peace.
Disagreeing with a point isn’t the same thing as missing a point. You think the benefits of it outweigh the risks. I disagree, and think in time it will be proven out. As I’ve said a couple of times, the fact I think the outcome will be negative doesn’t mean I’m fearful or worried. It doesn’t mean I don’t have peace in my heart. If you knew me you would know I don’t fret over what-ifs, but that also doesn’t mean I can’t have an opinion on an eventual outcome.
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Might consider a circle to be technology, so may be best to stick with a Luddite gaggle.
The Volnation way, if someone disagrees with you, gotta make fun and call them mouth breathers who lack the intelligence to see your infinite wisdom.

I guess I’m done with this conversation since you guys can’t have a discussion without trying to belittle someone for their opinion.
If things go right on the recruiting trail, Kim is going to be a tough out for anyone. Her approach reminds me of Heupel’s in football—pressure and tempo.

I really like her style of play and her style of coaching. I agree with the comparison to our football program and I think she will kill it in recruiting. She has great energy, is young, is very personable and likable and can sell recruits on being the players that put Tennessee back on top where we should be. Great things ahead for the Lady Vols program.

I also think she is going to fit in great with Tony, Rick, Josh, the other programs coaches and obviously Danny White really likes her. Love everything about her hire.
What? You don't like the idea of a 200 IQ sociopath that process millions of things per second.

It is funny to me though. Many conservatives see it as a tool for persecuting them, while many liberals see it as bringing about a humanist utopia. I think both are somewhat right, but I see man's creation of a humanist god as ushering the return of the real one. Regardless, it's coming, and I aim to occupy and prosper as long as I can.
last post this time because the bold says it. The final outcome, the return of Christ. I look forward to it, but Gods word says it will not be pleasant for many.
Pick6Previews (the best newer CFB preview mag, most accurate since it's been out):

Still has Heupel as the best hire of the 2021 coach cycle

Tennessee ranked 13 preseason

Pearce obviously 1st team AA. Mays 3rd team. Heard on the Transfer AA team list

Our OL and DL are on the best units list

Predicted SEC finish: UGA, Texas, Ole Miss, Alabama, Tennessee, LSU, TAMU, Mizzou, OU, UK, Auburn, UF, SCar, Ark, Miss St, Vandy

Heupel now has a five-star arm leading his hyper-tempo offense, and last year the defense made major strides. With
one of the nation’s best defensive lines, Tennessee is a well-balanced team and will demonstrate staying power after
their 2022 revival season.
It is a five-way race for fifth place in the SEC – Tennessee is my pick.


Basically if we beat Bama we are 10-2 and in the playoff.
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The Volnation way, if someone disagrees with you, gotta make fun and call them mouth breathers who lack the intelligence to see your infinite wisdom.

I guess I’m done with this conversation since you guys can’t have a discussion without trying to belittle someone for their opinion.
Wasn't that serious. I made light of how we fear future tech, while using past tech every day. I then made a Luddite joke, which is ironic since this forum and everything we use to access it, is very modern technology.
Wasn't that serious. I made light of how we fear future tech, while using past tech every day. I then made a Luddite joke, which is ironic since this forum and everything we use to access it, is very modern technology.
That's true. Even though the last 100 years is rife with examples of technology having terrible consequences.

Leaded gasoline was a ground breaking innovation in its time.

Generally speaking, I do think throwing the brakes and trying to make the technology train go in reverse is rarely/never the answer.
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Okay bud! Sorry for having a wrong opinion 👍!

If you think having identical branding to Austin Peay and the Titans on the unis is cool, I'm cool with that opinion. Lol I forget how y'all get about these things sometimes
It’s important that we resolve this today!
That's true. Even though the last 100 years is rife with examples of technology having terrible consequences.

Leaded gasoline was a ground breaking innovation in its time.

Generally speaking, I do think throwing the brakes and trying to make the technology train go in reverse is rarely/never the answer.
Nah. Forty year life expectancy, dying of easily cured infections, was all the rage.
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