Recruiting Football Talk VII

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If/when it erupts, the US is screwed, as is the rest of the world.
wait we are talking about Yellowstone and not the Orange Volcano, right?

Seriously, Discovery has a good Doc on Derecho's mentioned earlier.

140 mph straight line winds.

In video a Mom is filming the storm, as sirens blare. She is recalling her own video saying 'I needed to be strong for my girl, and for myself.' So you videoed next to a glass window?

People are dumb.
Okay VN RF:

What say ye?

I have a connection to potential good seats for the Oklahoma game. I have been planning to go to the game ever since it was scheduled. My wife has known about my plans.

My mother in laws 85th birthday is the following Tuesday. Now they are planning a party on September 21.

Should I be the dutiful husband and go to the birthday party or be the selfish guy and go to the Oklahoma game?

My MIL is in pretty good shape and medical condition. I am pretty positive that she will make it to 90. That’s a much more important birthday correct?

I am kinda kidding around. I will tape the game and go to her birthday party. 🥳

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