Recruiting Football Talk VII

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This is the most outlandish thing I've heard in a long time.
Sorry, appended the missing post to a longer post about Saban ordering his Birmingham satellite office to change the SEC schedule again (when it was already ready to be rolled out) in order to dodge Saban's annual games with Tennessee and LSU. But then changed my mind and answered here.

If you mean that it is "outlandish" that that was the purpose of divisions, I agree. (See #23,828). If you didn't know that, I am sorta surprised.

Did you notice that Georgia never played at TAMU? This is the third year GA was supposed to play there (even being saved for last in the regular rotation) but Birmingham, I guess, "forgot."

I just dropped big Spraggins in place of that empty post. 😂 Figured he could fill it.
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We all know Saban has been lobbying to get out of playing his historic rivals. What a coward.

On his radio show today, if the account I read is accurate, he spoke completely non-hypothetically as if relaying what he personally has already decided about the matter: "The way we're going to do our 7 team, 1 team fixed schedule..." 1-team fixed refers to annual rival games.

This fits what most sensible people long believed: that Saban would simply order Sankey (in Saban's Birmingham satellite office) to do whatever Saban wanted. No matter what the other teams wanted. Saban already told Sankey to nix the finished 3-rival format that was ready to be announced, and Sankey immediately put the whole thing on pause his boss. "For further study." This is Birmingham code for Saban doesn't want to play his historic rivals.

If there is only 1 rival game, I feel strongly that AL should have to play Tennessee or LSU.

Those are the two teams Saban has indicated he is afraid of. Those are the two games everyone in the country wants to watch. Nobody outside of god-foresaken Alabama cares a flip about Saban's Auburn game. They have to schedule Auburn-Alabama on a day with no other games to get viewership. I don't even watch that crap. But I have never missed Tennessee-Alabama or LSU-Alabama.

Alternatively, if Georgia and Alabama want to play every year, that would be okay. The schedule has always been set for them to dodge each other. Let them play for a while.

The whole thing reeks of crookedness. It reminds of how Saban initiated and got implemented his new clock rule. He decided that would rig things most in his favor in his game with us. It may have won his game last week for him.

Also, as most people already know: The original post-expansion scheme that we have been playing under -- where the conference was artificially cut into two divisions -- was designed for the purpose of protecting Alabama from having to play Spurrier's Florida.

Now, Saban apparently has ordered the SEC to change it's entire conference schedule from a 6-3 to a 7-1 format, so Saban can dodge playing us and LSU. Less than a year since we both beat him and knocked him out of the playoffs.
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Sorry, appended the missing post to a longer post about Saban ordering his Birmingham satellite office to change the SEC schedule again (when it was already ready to be rolled out) in order to dodge Saban's annual games with Tennessee and LSU. But then changed my mind and answered here.

If you mean that it is "outlandish" that that was the purpose of divisions, I agree. If you didn't know that, I am sorta surprised.

Did you notice that Georgia never played at TAMU? This is the third year GA was supposed to play there (even being saved for last) but Birmingham, I guess, "forgot."
Nope, just responding to your 'blank' post.
A few historic rival games that will be sacrificed in order for little Nickie to get out of playing Tennessee and LSU. He doesn't even care for appearances, given the fact that those are the two teams who knocked him out of the playoffs last year.

Auburn - Georgia
LSU - Ole Miss
Tennessee - Alabama
Tennessee - Kentucky
Texas - Texas A&M
Texas - Arkansas
What would be the one game we keep permanently? Has to be either Vandy or Kentucky right?
Has to be one of them. And I can't imagine that anyone else would get Vandy. I guess whatever Saban says. Those three games represent our entire history and come in order of their national relevance: Vandy back in the day (Cafego), beating Kentucky'a best team in history (Bear Bryant) (the Battle for the Barrel), and the Alabama game, which has been played since 1901: The Third Saturday in October. In the modern era the Alabama game has eclipsed the other two in importance, but not tradition.

F Saban. Sack up, bruh.
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Chaffe wheat thing. Best team in April may be crap in October. Those who love baseball love to watch as much baseball as possible. The rest of you? Use your fingers more productively. ;)
Truth! My Pirates had the best record in baseball at the end of April. By June, not so much.....
Truth! My Pirates had the best record in baseball at the end of April. By June, not so much.....
And my Braves limped to the playoffs two years ago and all the talking heads said it was insulting to the Giants and Dodgers that they had to deign to play them...then they proved they were the best at the right time. Non-baseball fans want it now and decided, so they should watch the Bachelor.
We all know Saban has been lobbying to get out of playing his historic rivals. What a coward.

On his radio show today, if the account I read is accurate, he spoke completely non-hypothetically as if relaying what he personally has already decided about the matter: "The way we're going to do our 7 team, 1 team fixed schedule..." 1-team fixed refers to annual rival games.

This fits what most sensible people long believed: that Saban would simply order Sankey (in Saban's Birmingham satellite office) to do whatever Saban wanted. No matter what the other teams wanted. Saban already told Sankey to nix the finished 3-rival format that was ready to be announced, and Sankey immediately put the whole thing on pause his boss. "For further study." This is Birmingham code for Saban doesn't want to play his historic rivals.

If there is only 1 rival game, I feel strongly that AL should have to play Tennessee or LSU.

Those are the two teams Saban has indicated he is afraid of. Those are the two games everyone in the country wants to watch. Nobody outside of god-foresaken Alabama cares a flip about Saban's Auburn game. They have to schedule Auburn-Alabama on a day with no other games to get viewership. I don't even watch that crap. But I have never missed Tennessee-Alabama or LSU-Alabama.

Alternatively, if Georgia and Alabama want to play every year, that would be okay. The schedule has always been set for them to dodge each other. Let them play for a while.

The whole thing reeks of crookedness. It reminds of how Saban initiated and got implemented his new clock rule. He decided that would rig things most in his favor in his game with us. It may have won his game last week for him.

Also, as most people already know: The original post-expansion scheme that we have been playing under -- where the conference was artificially cut into two divisions -- was designed for the purpose of protecting Alabama from having to play Spurrier's Florida.

Now, Saban apparently has ordered the SEC to change it's entire conference schedule from a 6-3 to a 7-1 format, so Saban can dodge playing us and LSU. Less than a year since we both beat him and knocked him out of the playoffs.
I think Saban carries a lot of weight with Sankey, and the SEC. I dont think the entire model will be based on his laments, however, I do think his opinion carries a lot of weight. Much more so than anyone else in this league. When he whines, Sankey listens. That's why he whines, he's trained to do so.

Sankey has to get this thing right. Its time Bama, Georgia, and Florida. Kentucky & MO, SC have to play other teams. Days of scheduling the Alabama Blind School for Powder Puff League is over.

It may not be 'fair' in his mind. But, is hasnt been 'fair' to teams that schedule OK, NC State, Virginia, etc., in addition to Bama, FL, GA, and getting MSU/LSU/AR/OM when they're on a once every decade run.
I think Saban carries a lot of weight with Sankey, and the SEC. I dont think the entire model will be based on his laments, however, I do think his opinion carries a lot of weight. Much more so than anyone else in this league. When he whines, Sankey listens. That's why he whines, he's trained to do so.

Sankey has to get this thing right. Its time Bama, Georgia, and Florida. Kentucky & MO, SC have to play other teams. Days of scheduling the Alabama Blind School for Powder Puff League is over.

It may not be 'fair' in his mind. But, is hasnt been 'fair' to teams that schedule OK, NC State, Virginia, etc., in addition to Bama, FL, GA, and getting MSU/LSU/AR/OM when they're on a once every decade run.
did you really list Virginia?
I think Saban carries a lot of weight with Sankey, and the SEC. I dont think the entire model will be based on his laments, however, I do think his opinion carries a lot of weight. ....
Wrong. Saban told Sankey to void the three permanent rivals plan that was reportedly ready to roll. Now Saban is out there talking about his own plan as an already accomplished fact. What more do you need, Jack?

If this rings a bell with Saban's new custom clock rule, well, that should not be a shock.

If you mean Sabey will not write out Mizzou's schedule in detail, so what? No one cares. All Saban wants is to get out of playing Tennessee and LSU. Cutting traditional rivals to one each does that expressly for Saban. It's over. All sorts of "historic games" are going to be sacrificed to do it. He doesn't give a **** which week Mizzou plays Arkie, for example. Those triffling details are for Saban's subordinates in Saban's Birmingham Office to iron out.

Saban brags that under Saban's personally designed 7-1 rule, every team will play every other team home and away every four years. But that is more sniveling deception from Saban. The other schedule, that Saban stopped, already included the feature (which I love) that every team will play every league team home and away every four years. This is not a benefit of Saban's plan to dodge Tennessee and LSU. It amounts to a lie to use that point to sell Saban's coward's plan.

I also strongly dispute that Auburn-Alabama is any kind of big deal. They have to set it on a special day with no competition to create an artificial TV market for it. Tennessee-Bammaw and LSU-Bammaw are national games. No one with a full set of teeth and who is not married to his sister cares if Aubie plays Bammaw. It's a local game that Bammer fans kill trees over, but no one else would watch if there were any other game to watch.
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yes they suck. but its better than scheduling a cream puff. When we schedule someone, the chances of them being in top 25, by time we play them - is better than 50%
Don’t all those teams besides kentucky usually play a legit out of conference foe…. Florida always plays Florida State…Alabama played Texas the past two years…. Georgia had their out of conference game cancelled this year but last year played oregon and played clemson the year before.Our schedule is tougher bc we fought to play Bama every year.
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