Recruiting Football Talk VII

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I was horribly sick from May 10 - May 30th. Upper respiratory that I got from my daughter. Fever day 1, the rest of the time headache, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, ear pressure, digestive issues, body aches. Docs said I didn't have a sinus infection or ear infection or strep and wouldn't give me meds. Didn't test for flu or Covid. I survived on pain meds and teas. They said I was free to travel and work after a week. Some days I'd feel better then the next day plummet again. Felt good for 2-3 days then sore throat and lymph nodes would come back. Couldn't get over it. My wife got sick midway through and she and my daughter recovered before I did.

When I thought I was getting over it I traveled back home to see family. When I got back I went downhill again. My spleen got swollen and was seriously painful but luckily didn't rupture. My sister got sick and docs told her the same thing they told me. Then she had to get admitted to the ER twice and got steroid shots. Her PCP finally gave her antibiotics and that has helped.

Last week my mom got sick and had a fever for a day, now sore throat and laryngitis. Then I found out my grandfather is also sick but haven't heard his symptoms. He's 85. I feel awful about getting them sick, and if I'd known I wasn't recovered I wouldn't have visited.

Since I "recovered" last week I've just been clearing clearly-infected mucus from my lungs and sinuses. And Monday my left side throat lymph node swole up again with a slight soreness in my throat and occasional pressure in my left ear. I would assume ear infection - but I've got a long history with those and it doesn't feel like one normally does so maybe just clearing fluid.

Saying all this because there's something serious going around. They aren't testing for Covid anymore, but it might be a new variant that's a little more aggressive than the last couple have been. Hearing the Soda news and how quickly that happened is shocking. She was just talking last week about her symptoms and they were so similar to what ours have been. Just want everyone to take a "cold" seriously right now. Stay hydrated and rested until you recover - I didn't. I kept working and not sleeping much.

all you morans take care of yourselves.
Had something similiar
Swollen lymph nodes, sore throat on and off, bad fever for a few days, achy, tired and very sore neck, shoulder muscles, stuffed up head
Took me awhile to get over it
I spoke with SweetasSoda Aunt this evening, she said that she does have Bacterial Meningitis, they’ve got her in an induced coma and she’s on a ventilator . They’ve upped her sedation today due to having seizures. She’s still holding on but still very critical and in need of prayer!!!
I spoke with SweetasSoda Aunt this evening, she said that she does have Bacterial Meningitis, they’ve got her in an induced coma and she’s on a ventilator . They’ve upped her sedation today due to having seizures. She’s still holding on but still very critical and in need of prayer!!!
We are still in this fellers. Take to prayer. 🙏
These posts remind me of the time I told the Zone they weren't funny like they used to be. It went on for a little while and eventually the whole forum was ticked. Looking back, I could have handled things differently. They made a "TN-POSSUM needs to GTFO" thread. 🤣

@RudyVol, specifically, who are you missing?
Leb, skeeter
I spoke with SweetasSoda Aunt this evening, she said that she does have Bacterial Meningitis, they’ve got her in an induced coma and she’s on a ventilator . They’ve upped her sedation today due to having seizures. She’s still holding on but still very critical and in need of prayer!!!
She is still fighting and we will keep praying. If you haven't please let SaS's family know that her VN family is with them and her.
I spoke with SweetasSoda Aunt this evening, she said that she does have Bacterial Meningitis, they’ve got her in an induced coma and she’s on a ventilator . They’ve upped her sedation today due to having seizures. She’s still holding on but still very critical and in need of prayer!!!
Damn. 🙏

Would they be ok with us sending flowers too?
I spoke with SweetasSoda Aunt this evening, she said that she does have Bacterial Meningitis, they’ve got her in an induced coma and she’s on a ventilator . They’ve upped her sedation today due to having seizures. She’s still holding on but still very critical and in need of prayer!!!
More prayers her way!
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