Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Kent St. Kent St. What do we want see in the Kent St. FOOTBALL game?
I want to see the team focused: the most important game is the present game. No one drunk of our publicity. I hope the twos on our offensive line get a lot of experience. We are still trying to develop depth there. Most of all, everyone plays well and no injuries.

Kent State is a MAC breather, but (for the record) they were much better when this game was scheduled. Sean Lewis was hired as head coach in 2018 and led Kent State to (very minor) bowl game appearances in 2019 and 2021, including the program's first-ever bowl win: 51–41 over Utah State in 2021. He also led the team to only their second appearance in the MAC Championship game against NIU. Sanders hired Lewis as Colorado OC last year and this year he is the head coach at San Diego State.

Other MAC teams of note: NIU who beat ND last weekend; Bowling Green who lost at Penn State by the narrow margin of 27-23; Buffalo who was lil Dinky-wits' opponent last week; Toledo who plays Miss St this weekend; Akron, famous for their dirty plays in Knoxville; and, of course, I must name-check (@Enki_Amenra's coinage iirc) Balls Tate.
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I hope BC stands on business this coming Saturday
What’s funny is that Ive been to a Boston sports bar when BC was playing and none of the tvs even had the BC game on . They have a very small fan base similar to Vandy.
I will bet there will be more people pulling for BC this Saturday than ever before. lol. 😆
USF is gonna win some games this year. I wonder when Golesh will get called up to the big leagues? After this season? Maybe after next season?
One big event in the Bama game was that (I guess because everyone was talking about how crookedly Birmingham officiated Bama games last year, especially our game) was that, since Bama had a team they should easily beat, the officials actually called 7 flagrant holding penalties on Bama in the first half. 😂

Pad those stats. Give deniers a talking point!

Saban was on the sideline shaking his head like, "what poor coaching! They never called holding on me."

If they had , we beat Saban in Birmingham. And Saban misses the playoffs -- again.

Of course, they basically quit calling holding on Bama in the second half because they led only 14-13 in the third quarter 😂 and Bama went on a run. That meant Bama had Milroe and their starters in until the end of the game, running up the score. Bet the officials don't do that again.
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So Ok got by Houston with a late safety... anyone talking about this? Is Houston that good? Will be interesting to see what they do this weekend against Tulane...

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