Recruiting Football Talk VIII

I wish I had done all of those in my youth...instead I snorted, smoked and drank the best years of my life away, when I had the money and the health to do pretty much whatever I wanted 😢

I really hope any young people that read my posts..please don't go down that path, it seems really fun at the time, but you could be doing something truly amazing.

So many regrets..
McGill, my Sunday school class talks about this a lot. We all agreed as more mature older men(60-65+) if we could go back and talk to ourselves at 25-35 first thing we would do is slap them upside the head and say stop being stupid!
The things I wasted time, money, energy, relationships on…….I once read that the wisdom you gain in life comes at a steep cost. That cost is the most precious thing that we have and that is TIME once spent you can’t get it back.
What time God has chosen for me to have left on this earth I spend it on making memories with my loved ones.
You should probably stick to stainless steel, aluminum, glass, and Teflon. You’re not going to benefit from cast iron at all.

Stainless is great. Teflon no way. Cast iron has been great for me. I just reseason it with some coconut oil every time and it's good to go. People baby those things too much like they'll harness some cooking superpowers if they never see a drop of soap.
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Two sided sword for James Pearce with the early great showing by the defense. Impressive wins vs reactionary mock draft slippage. I think when he’s needed for the whole game, his stats will explode.
Football people saw how much disruption he was causing last Sat night. No, no sacks; but, he altered multiple plays.
"Who is the real UT?"

JC Latham: "Gotta go with Texas. Whenever thinking of UT, I really don't think of Tennessee at all."


"AFC South picture?"

SugarCC: "Texans. Houston Texans, all day. Love em!...Titans?? Who?"
Interesting article on espn on why last nights south Alabama game didn’t pay

Might wanna rethink some bets you guys put on the Tennessee game tomorrow
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Anyone order the new iPhone 16 today?

I am making my 12 last as long as it will

I went online to order one for my wife today. She has an iPhone 12mini that has been eligible for an upgrade for quite a while. We have AT&T. If she had an iPhone 12 or a 13mini she would get an iPhone 16 for free. But they tried to charge me $15.99 a month. Screw those criminals!

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