Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Those three were dudes though. It's a tough comparison, catches were caught, records were made, people were drafted, careers were had.

So then what do you judge this by?

College-pro careers? Overall impact to program? Leadership?

Obviously what Jayson has done afterward, and what Robert did here, then in NFL is lofty.

I think stuff is proven on field. And at end of season we can make fairer comparisons.
You gotta balance college versus pro in my opinion. Some ball out here but flame out in the NFL. Others like Eric Parker barely did much here and has a decent little pro career.

My reasoning is that we’ve got guys like Matthews as backups. This receiving corps is good and deep. Best in a long time no matter how you slice it.
Sampson bout to make Stutsman look stupid in the open field. Terry will be huffing for air after the third series, he’s a quitter and we know that. He will give out, they won’t be able to run the ball. Pili or Carter will knock the piss out of Arnold and he will be hesitant. If the try to let a pass develop we will get home. Look for Brazzell to go off this game, Nico will get passing windows due to OU being confident in the defense. And he’s shown he doesn’t need much of a window, boat race incoming.
Heup said something on his post-game that stuck in my mind...he said Matthews being back allows then to run their 4 wide now.

I think they have some really good stuff we haven't really seen yet about to happen...Matthews on a safety or a LB is scary.

I wonder if Okie has the balls to do anything different than all the other teams we have seen...just drop everybody and HOPE their front 4-5 can stop or slow our running game.

Venables is a great DC...make no mistake..he has thrown some diabolical schemes at some offenses before and had success....and Nico is in his first season starting.
Nico has to be more careful on those hitch throws. He’s had a couple where a Bama or Georgia DB probably picks six those. I think he’s trusting his arm strength a little too much there.

This has been said every year about every QB in this system and they continue to throw very few interceptions
I’ll admit I’m still pissed off about today’s game.
I can’t get over the fact that it was the EXACT same thing he did last week.

No excuse for that. His decision making is atrocious.

I’ve been trying to come up with a comparison of another QB that actually looked this bad and turned it around.

I came up with Terry Bradshaw. He was terrible his first few years and was actually benched in 1974 and finally got his job back in week 4 or 5. Four Super Bowls later, we know the story.

Bradshaw learned to play the position without trying to be a super hero. He let his playmakers make plays, relied on his run game and defense.

Problem is, in today’s NFL, you can’t give a guy 4/5 years to learn that. Money is too big. Second contacts and extensions make that virtually impossible.

Tired of rambling……tired of being pissed. On to next week and hope the Titans can beat the Packers, UT beats OU…….and for all that is holy, can my Govs beat Alabama A&M for our first f’ing win of ‘24…..
This isn't a "we told you so..." post, but a "can we find some common ground now?" post. You see why some of us Titan fans threw our hands up (and the towel in) when the Titans drafted him?

We were so disgusted with how close they came, just to have Tanny's QB play be the problem. If they could just get an above average QB, the pieces were there! And they got this knucklehead.

If anyone paid any attention at all to UK, they knew this is who he is. All the physical tools in the world with a wasp nest in his head that will get you beat in heartbreaking and head scratching fashion every week in the NFL. In college, there is enough lack of parity that the rest of the team can often overcome the knuckles in his head. But not so in the NFL. All other teams have to do is tread water until he gives them the game. Period.

And you can lift weight to get stronger. You can work on technique to throw the ball farther or run faster. But I'm not sure there's much you can do for that wasp nest and his terrible, terrible football instincts.
You gotta balance college versus pro in my opinion. Some ball out here but flame out in the NFL. Others like Eric Parker barely did much here and has a decent little pro career.

My reasoning is that we’ve got guys like Matthews as backups. This receiving corps is good and deep. Best in a long time no matter how you slice it.
Definitely think you have to look at the whole pie. Agree wholeheartedly with what you're saying, adding that to be up on the 2nd deck at Neyland takes an incredible amount of talent, discipline, effort, focus, and ... luck.

Who of those currently enrolled will end up on an NFL team, with a great QB, surrounded by winners, and will take it and run?

I think its an interesting debates...but to me the criteria is both nfl and college, hardware, and legacy.
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Hopefully Pearce can become that dude we all know he is. So far he has been on a milk carton.
He's either sitting against powder puffs, taking double-teams, or the threat of him (and the rest of the line) is causing OCs to game plan quick-hitters.

The entire DL has done their job magnificently.
....Bradshaw learned to play the position without trying to be a super hero. He let his playmakers make plays, relied on his run game and defense.
The entire post was good, but I'd already been thinking about this bolded part. Maybe it was the influence of his instagram display-girl gf (who bolted when he wasn't a first day pick), in part; but I also recall a post here about a Manning camp where everyone asked about football except Mayo-Malaise, who asked Peyton about endorsement deals. He needs to drop the embarrassing "hero" moves that are exploding in his face and make a solid role player of himself.

I don't follow the Titans as closely as many here, but it seems to me that if Levis would stop imagining himself as "putting this team on his back," stop losing games with (anti) heroics, and just do his job in a conservative and workmanlike way, maybe he could get out of his team's way and get some wins.

I'm trying to be a friend to my Titan friends here, and stop laughing at Levis (a long established and well merited enjoyment) for a sec and look at it from the other side.
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