Recruiting Football Talk VIII

How have you been doing?
Good, thanks for asking. After a 'radial amputation'...yikes...finally made it back to Huntsville from Spokane. Wife is a nurse and works in Spokane so stayed there for about a month and a half. Now, please oh please, let the infection be vanquished. My main task now? Which Tennessee game should I attend this year and just how much of my bank account do I need to empty out?
I would follow the Pitt Panthers example…. They always have been able to limit the rushing attack while also limiting big plays.
Do that and you gotta hope Nico is a bit off...we missed a few wide open recievers in both, or both of those games would have been 40+ points.

Not blaming Joe and HH, nobody is always great...just saying that Pitt took a LOT of chances that worked out just enough.
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Good, thanks for asking. After a 'radial amputation'...yikes...finally made it back to Huntsville from Spokane. Wife is a nurse and works in Spokane so stayed there for about a month and a half. Now, please oh please, let the infection be vanquished. My main task now? Which Tennessee game should I attend this year and just how much of my bank account do I need to empty out?
Oh my word. So sorry to hear you had another amputation. Prayers you are on the mend.
Somebody make a shirt and sell me one.

Add a Yellowstone quote for good measure please.
"Karma comes in all shapes and sizes. Guess it’s me today."

Some YS quotes for ya…

“You’re in my prison now”
“I’m the tornado, you’re the trailer park”
“The train only runs in one direction”
“You leave now or you’ll never leave”
“The ranch (Vols) come first”
“He’s kicking your a** and talking sh*t at the same time”
man, big game.

college football is just weird. if i'm looking at this game just on match ups only, OU's path to a W is just harder than ours. i think the biggest mis match is our D line v their O line. and i'm not sure how many of their Oline is coming back off injury, but i'm also not sure that it matters, except some additional depth? regardless, it's obviously still a huge step up in competition level from what we've seen so far, so i don't mean to imply it's not. but it is a match up that favors us, and in a LOS game, that should matter. watch their QB run game...he's slippery. i'm also curious to see how, or if, any of the WR's that may come back off injury factor this a big test for our secondary? i keep hearing about how OU is capable of big plays....but haven't seen it.

on the other side of the ball, i think the match up is more favorable for OU, but that simply means it's more even. i don't expect to put up another monster rushing performance this week, but i do expect we're going to run the ball and we'll find success. i think when you factor in Sampson, Bishop, Seldon and Nico....we get the run game going and make it something they have to deal with.

i'm not sure about the passing game. has nothing to do with Nico, as much as it does with how Venebles may attack it. i think we have to continue to spread the defense out wide and make them decide. TE's could figure in as a big factor in the passing game this week. i wonder how we decide to attack the middle of the field, they have good LB and Safety play on their side....

at the end of the day, i think we're the better team and are more than capable of getting a W here.

that said, i don't have any misunderstanding....this is a HUGE game for OU. first SEC game, night game, game day, in their house, and Heupel coming back....lots of intangibles that i just don't know how they will impact the game. does crowd noise bother the offense? does OU continue with the lucky bounces with the turnovers?

i'm picking us to win this game. but it will be extremely important to start well. cause i have a feeling OU will. and i bet they'll do some things we've not seen yet to catch us off guard. on the flip side, i think we've actually shown a lot so far this season, which may mean they have a lot to prepare for...maybe they get caught in some "paralysis by analysis"? and i also think there's probably a few things we haven't done yet either on film.

get thru the first 10 or so minutes, and the game settles in....we do what we do. 27-17 TN. but i expect the 1st half to be pretty intense. just need to get thru that, and i think we wear them down with our depth in the second half, and finally pull away a little bit.


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