Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Happy Thursday. The anticipation is awesome for this game on Saturday. Remeber, God gets as excited about you as you do the Vols. You are loved.

September 19, 2024: The word for the day is continuance. You are making progress, but you are not there yet. Keep the faith, and do not lose hope that you will break through. The adjustments in your life are not yet finished. You are still coming into perfect and divine balance. Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy--meditate on these things.
Do you consider "Friday they 13th" a Halloween movie or does a Halloween movie have to take place on Halloween. . . either released on Halloween or the story takes place on Halloween?
I think scary movies about psycho killers are inherently ones that people watch around the Halloween season. Friday the 13th is just another one of those that bring people a rush of intensity and it just gets lumped into Halloween by the nature of what Halloween is. I certainly wouldn't consider it a Christmas or Easter movie. 😆
Literally my only concern is that "road Tennessee" from the previous couple years shows up. We are better in every way than OU, the only way we lose is if we play well below our potential....which we've proven we can do on the road many times.

I’ve thought about this too. Under Heupel we’ve had a couple of road stinkers over the last 2 seasons. I’d like to see that stop.

We’ve also had some great ones so let’s get another.
Yep...the difference is now, we have a defense that will keep us in a game until the offense figures it out.

I think that it is a huge difference..up until this year, when the offense would bog down, sometimes would look up and be down 14-0 and that made it even tougher because then the opposing defenses could really pin their ears back

Hopefully this defense is not a mirage..I don't think it is..but. 🤷‍♂️
Seems like a good place to mention that our defense was 3rd in the SEC in PPG allowed in the SEC while facing more possessions than most teams. They were also 19 spots above the vaunted Brent Venables defense last year.

This years team is playing at a championship level though. Tim Banks has done an amazing job with this defense.
I've told this on here many times..both sides of my family are from east Tennessee going back to the early mid 1800s, my Dad's from the Sequatcie River Valley and Chattanooga and my Mom's from Sharp's Chapel until it was flooded under Norris lake, then they all moved to Lutrell, Maynardville and finally Knoxville.

My parents moved to Fort Worth, then to Amarillo Texas and we lived out there from 71-75, in early 75 we moved d back to Chattanooga where we lived in East Ridge from 75-79, then in early 80 we moved back to Amarillo-Pampa and stayed there until early 85 when we moved to Knoxville...I was actually 17 when the 85 Sugar Vols season started.

My Dad was not really a sports guy, so I learned to love the 3 major American sports on my own...I loved the Steelers from the late 70s and the NFL was the first sport I got into as a boy, after we moved to Texas I started watching the Braves on TBS and became a rabid baseball fan and since the Steelers started sucking I kinda lost major interest in NFL football...I still watched games, but I was a major baseball fan.

I also started following the NBA during the Bird-Magic-Dr J years and college basketball in the early 80s also...but I didn't really have a die hard love if any teams except for the Braves..that all changed when..

We moved to Knoxville just in time for that awesome beautiful scrappy Sugar Vols season, and finally being with all my Moms family that is typical fanatic VFLs especially my Pappaw..I just fell into what I really was along...I just didn't know it yet.

My blood was turned pure Orange and I have been a Vol ever since...and that is why I say the Sugar Vols will always be my favorite team. They were the epitome of what I personally want to be, and what the Tennessee Volunteer spirit is....pure scrappy heart.

Still one of my favorite Volunteer teams.
I got to go to the Sugar Bowl that year. Miami fans were so obnoxious before the game. They ghosted New Orleans and especially the French Quarter after the game. 🤠
I think scary movies about psycho killers are inherently ones that people watch around the Halloween season. Friday the 13th is just another one of those that bring people a rush of intensity and it just gets lumped into Halloween by the nature of what Halloween is. I certainly wouldn't consider it a Christmas or Easter movie. 😆
Obviously not Christmas…. that is reserved for Die Hard.
Was listening to Kevin Simon in the offseason at somepoint and he thought AJ was just average. Thought he was slow and only showed out because everyone else was bad.

Don't really agree, but who am I to argue with him?

Pili could be better though. That dude looks like an NFL player to me right now. I think as we play better teams we will see more evidence of that. Everyone on our defense has just been decimating all in its path so kinda hard to tell how good everyone actually is.
Pili is a much more well rounded and superior LB, AJ was more in line with Banks.

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