Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Why do you have to make it their full time job to suspend or terminate for poor performance? If you ask the heads of officials, they already do that. They just won't admit the performance is poor.

People are willing to slack at a part time job as it’s not as valuable as someone’s “full time job” just by simple logic. They 100% don’t punish officials right now regardless of what they claim.

Officials should have to answer questions in a post game environment first of all, that would be a good first step in accountability.
I’m so tired of the media. Sure, Oklahoma may have players return for this game but they won’t be conditioned for a massive game like this. Sure we haven’t played anywhere near top level competition but neither has Oklahoma & did anyone notice all the jabs Bob Stoops and company took in that prediction video? Thats not how you talk about someone you “love”.
Usually the side talking the most is the side that is scared. The quiet side is very dangerous and knows exactly what kind of team they have. We are the quiet side. We know we have a legit NC contender. We will show it tomorrow night.

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