Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Except for all the racism, sexism and Bugs Bunny cross-dressing (not that I'm judgy or anything).


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Yeah that's what did it. giphy-430160600.gif
I know a lot has been made of Lance Heard and the knee brace. I’m told he is fine. He had a minor clean up procedure last month and it’s just a process of easing him back into things. He did more today. He will be fine for the season.

Also Cam Seldon is telling people he is getting close and believes he will be good to go for the season. I’d still look for TN to be very cautious with him overall.
I don't care what anyone else says, Pete Rose should be in the Hall of Fame. No one will ever make me change my mind on that one.
@Weezer ’s Hall of Fame cheaters edition. Sponsored by Waffle House. The Hall will be in a trailer that can be on exhibit at various Waffle Houses across the country.

International basketball is a lot better now than when The Dream Team played.
The Dream Team had much more pride and desire to dominate. A Michael Jordan story I heard, recently. Jordan played 36 holes of golf on game day… Chuck Daly set the lineups and told Jordan that he had the 2 guard. Mike stated that he had the point guard. Chuck stated… don’t you want to guard the 2 guard? Jordan said, I’ve got the point guard. Barkley said that Jordan guarded him full court the entire game… Harrassing the hades out of him. The point guard had apparently said something about him in the news leading up to the game. Near the end of the game… Jordan smacked the ball from him and told him… don’t ever talk about me again.
Bonds did test positive but the results were supposed to be confidential. Leaked by a couple of reporters who found where sound was filtering from the meetings. Bonds did everything necessary to make Cooperstown, then sacrificed it all to pursue a hallowed record he doesn’t even approach without juice…sole purpose. It was a travesty and he’s paying the appropriate price. I wouldn’t mind his inclusion one day…as long as he’s not alive to enjoy it.
put them all in…. the majority was using…. the league knew they were using…. all the fans knew they were using… we cheered every minute of it. I wish Eric Davis, Ken Griffey jr, and Mike Trout used so that we could enjoy their talents a little bit longer.
put them all in…. the majority was using…. the league knew they were using…. all the fans knew they were using… we cheered every minute of it. I wish Eric Davis, Ken Griffey jr, and Mike Trout used so that we could enjoy their talents a little bit longer.
Lots of broad brushes and an azz load of lead based paint in that assertion imo.
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Basketball currently down to Puerto Rico. This isn't the Dream Team.
No they're not, no one is, but they won by 20+.

Also a different era altogether. The dream team only had to face 9 NBA players all tournament. This team will end up facing 60-70.

It's a new ball game and the world is catching up. It will be interesting to watch over the next 50 years as the 2nd/3rd world population boom occurs. I'll say a couple of those countries will end up being major players. Nigeria will become the 3rd most populated country, surpassing the US, by 2050, so they seem like a favorite to contend.

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