Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Except for all the racism, sexism and Bugs Bunny cross-dressing (not that I'm judgy or anything).


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Check out John boy and billy shows bit with Rev. Billy ray Collins on cartoons, its hilarious.
They had a decades long losing streak against the MLBPA. Union wouldn’t agree to ANY testing of ANY kind…until Congress intervened. Can’t beat them + join them = excitement that aided healing from the Strike. Yeah, they accepted the resulting money but I guess no credit is due for implementing more and more severe repercussions for failed PED tests after being empowered. One last point. PED’s are LIFE SHORTENING. Your extreme cases like Jose Canseco, Mark Gastineau , Lyle Alzado (deceased), John Matuszek (deceased) and even Sammy Sosa aren’t healthy for their pursuits. But as long as we’re entertained…
you have a lot more faith in the owners than I do… The owners and players association act for their benefit alone. no link between steroids and Matuszek/ Alzados deaths…. Both Cansecos, jay and mark mcdwirr, sosa, Bonds, Schwarzenegger, Gastineau at all alive and doing well… There is a connection between guys that do steroids also being involved in other types of drugs/partying.
you have a lot more faith in the owners than I do… The owners and players association act for their benefit alone. no link between steroids and Matuszek/ Alzados deaths…. Both Cansecos, jay and mark mcdwirr, sosa, Bonds, Schwarzenegger, Gastineau at all alive and doing well… There is a connection between guys that do steroids also being involved in other types of drugs/partying.
Ok? So how is the rigid PED testing they implemented to “their benefit”? Alive and well is up to interpretation but I’ll add PED aficionado The Ultimate Warrior to the (not so) alive and well category. And you’re a naive lil cuss if you don’t believe there’s a connection between steroid use and Alzado and Matuszek’s deaths. Even more naive if you seriously believe crap that shrinks your genitalia and elevates your heart rate astronomically is health conducive.
Maybe my favorite one!! This is a close 2nd
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Lyrics in this one are hysterical. Grab a fence post, hold it tight. Womp your partner with all your might. Hit him in the shin, hit him in the head, hit him again, that critter ain't dead!

And yes, I know those off the top of my head.🤣 I probably can quote the entire lines for most of this era of Bugs Bunny cartoons.
I was scrolling through YouTube today and had a bama practice pop up. I was curious as to how they practice under Deboer so I watched it.

From what I saw the intensity wasn't even half of the intensity of a Tennessee practice. To me it looked pretty low key. To say I was surprised is an understatement.

I know Sabans practices were very intense. This looked like a complete 180 to me.

Jmo, but if this is a true snapshot of bama's practices, I could see them taking a step back.

Has anyone else watched any of their practices? If so what were your thoughts?
I was scrolling through YouTube today and had a bama practice pop up. I was curios as to how they practice under Deboer so I watches it.

From what I saw the intensity wasn't even half of the intensity of a Tennessee practice. To me it looked pretty low key. To say I was surprised is an understatement.

I know Sabans practices were very intense. This looked like a complete 180 to me.

Jmo, but if this is a true snapshot of bama's practices, I could see them taking a step back.

Has anyone else watched any of their practices? If so what were your thoughts?

Could just be the media portion like that.

A little wishful thinking criticizing the practices of a guy coming off a NC game appearance.

But they’ll take a step back anyway. At least from what they were under the most dominant HC we’ve seen in college football.
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Ok? So how is the rigid PED testing they implemented to “their benefit”? Alive and well is up to interpretation but I’ll add PED aficionado The Ultimate Warrior to the (not so) alive and well category. And you’re a naive lil cuss if you don’t believe there’s a connection between steroid use and Alzado and Matuszek’s deaths. Even more naive if you seriously believe crap that shrinks your genitalia and elevates your heart rate astronomically is health conducive.
The same reason the NFL regulates violent hits….. after years of promoting as much carnage on the field as possible… one lawsuit made them overreact to what makes football great. Once congress got involved…. the gig was up for baseball as well. Matuszek od’d on darvocet( an over the counter medication)…. He also had cocaine in his system. …Your nuts do shrink some when taken steroids due to elevated testosterone in the body. After you stop taking them… your nuts will return to normal. Studies have shown that steroids may cause your heart rate to elevate. The key word in that is “may”…. Look at any medication that you take currently and look at it what side effect that it “may” cause. Here is an article showing that there is no link to what caused Alzado’s tumor. He did believe that steroid use was to blame though.
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