Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Well, yeah. But again, where is Cam?
I thought I saw Cam a couple of times. Returning kickoffs (fair catch, prolly because of the turf); that may have been Boo. But at RB for a brief bit when DSamp was being relieved. Haven't rewatched yet to verify.

Heup is smart to play the long game and be conservative with bodies. No college team has ever played a season as long as what we're hoping to play.
I thought 23 did?
Naw, it was Thomas. That angle doesn't show it clear and the announcers did say it was Carter but it was definitely Thomas. He's put a couple big hits on already.
Boo was there to throwing a shoulder but Thomas knocked him aside as he laid the lick. Boo landed on top of bruh. That's why the announcers called Boo's name. I also thought it was Boo until I rewatched the replay. Jakobe with the mega hit. But bruh wasn't scoring either way. Closing speed. A+ tacklers.

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I thought I saw Cam a couple of times. Returning kickoffs (fair catch, prolly because of the turf); that may have been Boo. But at RB for a brief bit when DSamp was being relieved. Haven't rewatched yet.

Heup is smart to play the long game and be conservative with bodies. No college team has ever played a season as long as what we're hoping to play.
I saw Seldon on the field for offense. I noticed him, but they blew a whistle for a penalty or timeout or something. I'm not sure if he stayed in for the next play after the whistle or played any more.

This was a tough time for him to return. Trying to knock off some rust against the OU defense during a tight game isn't exactly an ideal situation.

Hopefully he comes back vs Ark 100%. That could be a better game to come back in anyway.
What I mean is, this forum has a handful of guys who have been commenting in here for a long time so your thoughts and opinions are listened to, while newcomers are generally ignored from what I've seen. Which is fine, it's yalls thing and you guys are basically a tight knit friend group, so i appreciate you responding to the new guy. Go vols!
It's also because a lot of random drop in trolls come in here for a few days or a week or two. Just dropping random thoughts unrelated to current conversation or being straight up confrontation with other posters here that have been commenting for awhile.
AP is the weirdest man...

Kansas State drops 10 spots for getting blown out by BYU. BYU doesn't move up even one spot in the polls though.

I do think Missouri should drop, but they still won and they fell 4 spots, don't think Penn State or Utah did enough IMO to jump them.

No clue why Notre Dame jumped a spot either. But I'll take us climbing into the top 5, a big win and hopefully Arkansas is ranked when we go to Little Rock in 2 weeks.
What I mean is, this forum has a handful of guys who have been commenting in here for a long time so your thoughts and opinions are listened to, while newcomers are generally ignored from what I've seen. Which is fine, it's yalls thing and you guys are basically a tight knit friend group, so i appreciate you responding to the new guy. Go vols!
@SmokinBob hasn’t got here yet! @drvenner you may have to circle back and help me find her.
She’s probably stuck watching a funny cat video that on loop mode and hasn’t realized that it’s the same thing over and over. 😎

Here’s to hoping that she is somewhere between us…😂
Not gonna lie. . . I thought the 1st Quarter Boys took an L only to be saved by a 66yd passing TD with :11 left in the quarter.

I know @BigSteve09 had to be chalking it up 😂
Second thought in my mind when Nico threw the dime and Thornton scorched them. Even @'d Big Steve in real time. 😂 😭 It's really fun here.
Herbstreit gained a little more respect from me.🙌
He also commented on the field too and saying how bad it looked..(I think)
Good job, Herbie. :) I'm happy to say it! We didn't even mind when you accidentally called the Game Maxims the "10 Commandments" because you calling out the Okies when needed. And you were correct to bring them up -- particularly in that game.

If you're reading this, an "oskie" is an interception. The sideline used to shout "Oskie!" to the field to alert the defense to start blocking.
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