Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Dominating Defense
stopped that nonsense
They carried the day
Them Sooners did pay
Vols are stormin
Poor ole Norman
Nico in charge
Vols livin large
Donte speedin'
Moi impedin'
JP blastin'
Big O mashin
Simmons maulin'
Jermod callin'
Carter tacklin'
Coach G cacklin'
Okies scatter
It don't matter
Tough and gritty
Vols by fiddy
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I see Oklahoma fans all over twitter talking about “best offense in the country and only lost by 10”

I guess they are too stupid to realize we literally were in control the whole game and went pretty vanilla in the 2nd half? I don’t miss the days of moral victories!!
This stupid 💩 is all over the place today and it is really pissing me would think we lost or barely won out there the way these idiots are all talking.

We need to unload a B-52 load of offensive whupass on some fools pronto.
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I love how after a loss, OU fans, or really any opposing team fans, zero in on our perceived weaknesses while excusing their own as being a known quantity and thus above scrutiny.

Apparently standards apply only to us. It's okay when they underperform because it was known they weren't very good, but when we lose our two starting OTs on the road and only put up 25 points, despite going conservative, it's because we are massively overrated.
Suck it, Okies. Heup in their house like...

He is what you saw out there tonight against quality competition...I love the guy for giving his all, but the truth is just the truth.

I have not, nor will I bash Dayne Davis...but I will not lie either.

We need Heard and Campbell back and at 100%, especially against UGA and Bama...just the truth.

Built with a tackle body, but at least at this level seems to not be athletic or talented enough to play there. One silver lining was Johnson seemed to get settled in the 2nd half.

But both Nico fumbles Dayne just got straight up beat by speed, the first one Dylan picking up the outside rusher would have saved it, but that 2nd one was all Dayne.
Probably the best bracket for us.

I don't love what the playoff has done to NY6 bowl games and their former importance, but damn that looks so much more fun and compelling than the four-team playoff. That was truly the worst of both worlds. Especially when it was just a rotating cast of UGA, Bama, OU, Ohio State, and Clemson for several years.
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Built with a tackle body, but at least at this level seems to not be athletic or talented enough to play there. One silver lining was Johnson seemed to get settled in the 2nd half.

But both Nico fumbles Dayne just got straight up beat by speed, the first one Dylan picking up the outside rusher would have saved it, but that 2nd one was all Dayne.
I think that first one he didn't realize the DB was coming until it was too late. He was looking inside and turned his head to look for the blitz too late. Still inexcusable, but I think it was a missed assignment more than speed.

Agree the 2nd one was all Dayne.

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