Recruiting Football Talk VIII

As was spotting it at the 14 when Nico clearly slipped (shocker!) down at the 13 yard line, to make it 4th and 1 and force a FG. (I could see spotting the nose inches shy of the 13 and measuring, but they put it fully on the 14 yard line.)
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View attachment 679847
Yes they wouldn’t even look at screw the sec refs always trying to **** us over any chance they get
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Don’t try to turn this around on me. It’s literally your defining characteristic.
That really is a misnomer created by Yeti bigots such as yourself. Do you really think we call ourselves "snowmen"? Let alone refer to ourselves as "abominable". We Yeti are a peaceful species, but you humans, as you are wont to do, are always mischaracterizing everyone else while making yourselves the heroes of the story. Stop the hate.
Right up until Yeti offered them a free "hot" "bath" in a pot over a fire, filled with carrots and onions.

Sorry. Just kidding.

We all know yetis don't eat veggies.
Potatoes are a vegetable, and I love French fries.

Also, another Yeti bigot. The hate is spreading. This makes me sad.
Built with a tackle body, but at least at this level seems to not be athletic or talented enough to play there. One silver lining was Johnson seemed to get settled in the 2nd half.

But both Nico fumbles Dayne just got straight up beat by speed, the first one Dylan picking up the outside rusher would have saved it, but that 2nd one was all Dayne.
And he didn't get any, or little push in the running game.

I will say that Venables was throwing some junk at em, and it caused a few issues for everybody on the Ol.

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