Recruiting Football Talk VIII

He had won the NL MVP in 90, 92, and 93

IMO, if he never juices up and keeps his speed, he finishes his career as the greatest baseball player of all-time.
Was that age or steroid related…. Barry still stole double figure bases at age 36(the year he hit 73 homeruns)…. compare that to Griffey who never reached double figures after the age of 30… Griffey wasn’t as good at stealing bases as Barry though.
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Was that age or steroid related…. Barry still stole double figure bases at age 36(the year he hit 73 homeruns)…. compare that to Griffey who never reached double figures after the age of 30… Griffey wasn’t as good at stealing bases as Barry though.

Yeah. It’s pretty hypothetical. It’s possible his athleticism doesn’t hold up over time without the juice
you have a lot more faith in the owners than I do… The owners and players association act for their benefit alone. no link between steroids and Matuszek/ Alzados deaths…. Both Cansecos, jay and mark mcdwirr, sosa, Bonds, Schwarzenegger, Gastineau at all alive and doing well… There is a connection between guys that do steroids also being involved in other types of drugs/partying.
For something that is completely illegal in about every organized sport, you're trying to make it sound like it's no big deal. It seems like a silly hill to die on.
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Common side effects of daily low dose prednisone include elevated blood pressure, swelling, changes in blood sugar, increased appetite, weight gain, insomnia, osteoporosis (thinning of bones), irregular menstrual periods, and mood changes.

Common side effects of daily low dose prednisone include elevated blood pressure, swelling, changes in blood sugar, increased appetite, weight gain, insomnia, osteoporosis (thinning of bones), irregular menstrual periods, and mood changes.

View attachment 664531
prednisone is not an anabolic steroid…. the majority of this board has probably taken prednisone for many different ailments.
@butcha watched video of Faizon Brandon the kid who committed today. Think the kid is big, bigger than HH, and maybe as big as JM. Has a good, not great arm. But great mechanics. What really stood out is his mobility.

gonna go out on a limb and D4H this. He's like a Joe Milton, Tyrod Taylor, Russell Wilson, Arnold Schwarzenegger in T2 amalgam. how's that for a take?

go ahead and draft him, with heisman in hand.

seriously, great pickup. dude is a talent.
For something that is completely illegal in about every organized sport, you're trying to make it sound like it's no big deal. It seems like a silly hill to die on.
Not dying on any hill… Tonight is a great night…. i’m on vacationapolooza 2024(my wife and daughters are gone to Tennessee) My boys and are eating what we want… watching what we want and doing what we want. … I just find it an interesting topic… I like to do research stuff myself and you would be shocked about how a lot of things that people believe have absolute no true medical basis.
Not dying on any hill… Tonight is a great night…. i’m on vacationapolooza 2024(my wife and daughters are gone to Tennessee) My boys and are eating what we want… watching what we want and doing what we want. … I just find it an interesting topic… I like to do research stuff myself and you would be shocked about how a lot of things that people believe have absolute no true medical basis.
I’m amazed that you can pick and choose what you need to fill your narrative and present it as medical fact. 😏
He was a pos. When he beat us, he rubbed our noses in it. When we beat him, he whined and cried and was the sorest sore loser. I don’t think I can even say I loved to hate him. I just hated him.
I think he actually developed a respect for Fulmer as they went along. He dominated through most of the 90s, until 98. Starting with that year, Tennessee went 4-3 against FU.
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@butcha watched video of Faizon Brandon the kid who committed today. Think the kid is big, bigger than HH, and maybe as big as JM. Has a good, not great arm. But great mechanics. What really stood out is his mobility.

gonna go out on a limb and D4H this. He's like a Joe Milton, Tyrod Taylor, Russell Wilson, Arnold Schwarzenegger in T2 amalgam. how's that for a take?

go ahead and draft him, with heisman in hand.

seriously, great pickup. dude is a talent.
Arm’s not a completed book yet. He has one season of starts and a frame to grow his mechanics. Troy Aikman had a much stronger arm after professional coaches started working with him at UCLA.

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